Movie Buddy (Japan)

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Huddled under a blanket, staring at the screen, you let out a scream, hiding your face. Your brother America had told you to watch his movie. You had tried to have him watch it with you, but he had "work" he had to do.

The scary part seemed over, so you peeked your head out from under the blanket only to scream as a zombie popped up causing you to hide once again.

Why do I have to be so much like my brother? I wish I could just man up and watch these without screaming.

"I can't do this," you say, pulling out your phone and pausing the movie. You dial your friend/crush Japan.

"Hello?" he answers promptly.

"Hey Japan..." you hesitate.

"What do you need?" Japan asks patiently.

"Are you busy?" you ask.

"Not really. I was just reading a new manga. Do you need something?" your heart melts at his accent, and you lose your train of thought.

"______," he says.

"Oh, um...I'm watching a movie, a scary one and..well.. Icantdoitalone," you rush the last part, defeatedly, hating the fact that you need a "movie buddy".

"Sure. I will be there soon," he says understandingly.

"Thanks! Bye!" you say excitedly, hanging up the phone.

"Bye." Japan says to the dead phone, blushing lightly. He likes you so much but is too shy to admit it.

Grabbing a blanket and a little something special, Japan makes his way out the door over to your house.

The movie is still paused and you are just waiting. The doorbell ringing draws your attention and you jump up to answer it. A pair of dark brown eyes and a small smile greet you. All you can do is stare for a minute.

Japan clears his throat aawkwardly, and you move aside inviting him in. He steps into the house and the two of you go into the movie room. You sit down and start wrapping your blanket around yourself, but Japan stops you.

"I brought your favorite blanket," he says, sheepishly, pulling the blanket out of his bag. It is a small montage of your favorite shows.

"Squee!" you squeal. Japan sits down and wraps the balnket around the two of you. You snuggle up close to him, and sigh. 

"Um..._____?" he says, shyly.


"I brought you something else," Japan said, very faintly. You look at him as he presents you with a present.

"MOCHI!!" you scream, grabbing the gigantic, puffy, white, lump. You turn it around until you find the face; large black eyes and a small smile. You also see a small white flag with a red dot sticking out of the top, which confirms that it is a Japan mochi. You blush and look at him and see that he is also blushing.

"It'," you say slowly. Your breathing starts to speed up.

"Thank you." you sit there, unable to say anything else, virtually speechless (which being America's sister is a rare occurance).

Japan sensing the tension says, "Let's watch the movie."

"Yea," you say, slowly coming back to life, grabbing the remote and pushing play. When the movie starts you clutch the mochi to your chest, eyes locked on the screen. The first zombie to come up of course makes you scream. What you didn't expect was for you to jump up into Japan's lap, burying your face in his chest. Not expecting this Japan goes stiff.

You peek your head up and see him staring at you, lust filling his dark brown eyes.

"Jap-," you're interupted by his lips, your eyes go wide and you freeze. You feel his hand cup your cheek sweetly, and you melt, kissing him back. He pulls away, his face red, but his eyes full of love.

"I rove you," he says, his accent extremely heavy, making you giggle. Japan looks hurt for a moment until you kiss him briefly.

"I rrroove your accent," you giggle emphasizing how he said it, as he blushes more, "and I rove you too," you say quietly the biggest smile on your face.

After another kiss, you go back to watching the movie, thinking of how great it will be to have someone to hold you during the scary parts.

Oh my goodness! It feels so good to finally have this postedd it done for a couple of days now I just haven't had anytime to sit down and type it. Well, I hope you like it. Let me know what you think! PEACE LOVE AND DOITSU!

Japan: I rike it.

Me: There you go with the accent again.

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