The Hero is...Shy? (America)

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You sit on the couch talking to you friends Italy and Germany when Prussia announces to the room, "Time for Seven Minute in Heaven!" You're surprised at first but then you think, "What else would happen at a party at Prussia's." Everyone gathers around Prussia as he holds a hat filled with small slips of paper. He dramatically sticks his hand in and swirls it around. He pulls out the slip of paper and slowly unfolds it.

"_____," he calls your name.

"Of course," You think, "Of course it would be me first." You walk over to stand by Prussia, face red, as he pushes that hat towards you. "Now it's jour turn to pick." You reach your hand in, head turned the other way, and draw out a piece of paper. You hand the slip to Prussia who unfolds it and screams, "America!" You turn to the country and see his eyes are huge and he looks really nervous.

"Great. He doesn't want to do it." This makes you a little sad. Prussia pulls the two of you over to the closet. He shoves you both inside. "Seven minute und no cheating. Zhe awesome me forbids it!" You shut the door in his face. "Time starts now!"

"Alright." You turn and look at America who looks really nervous. He is panting and he looks sweaty. "America chill. We don't have to do anything. No need for a panic attack." You slide down the wall and sit, your knees pulled up to your chest.

America sits next to you. "Thanks." This hurts you even more because you actually really like America. Instead of being sad, you lash out with anger.

"What? I'm not good enough for you! I'm so sorry I repulse you so much!" You yell turning away. America looks at you, and he goes red. He is completely shocked by your reaction, and this is one of the few time he is speechless.

"That's not what I meant," he says, desperately trying to make you understand even though he doesn't.

As you turn you yell, "Really? What did you me-" You are interrupted by his lips. He gives you a quick peck on the lips but then pulls away.

"I'm sorry!" he apologizes, moving away from you, hiding his face against his knees. You look at him like, "What the hell?"

"Why are you sorry?" you ask. You seem calm on the outside but are actually internally squealing from the kiss.

"I-I didn't mean to kiss you like that!" he says but it's muffled because his face is still buried in his knees.

You scoot so you are sitting in front of him. "America?" He refuses to look at you. "America!" He still refuses to look at you. "Wow I didn't know the hero was so shy..." His head whips up.

"I'm not shy! I'm the hero!"

"Oh yea!"


"Then prove it." He gets nervous at first but his ego won't let him lose his challenge. "I thought s-" He slams his lips down onto yours surprising you. He kisses you for a moment then pulls away, a look of accomplishment on his face.

"Wipe the smirk off your face," you say, reaching up to kiss him again, harder this time.

"Times up!" Prussia yells swinging the door open making the two of jump. You spin around and roundhouse kick Prussia for scaring you. You start to walk out of the closet but America grabs your arm and pulls you back.

"I'm not done." America pulls you back in for a kiss. You peck his lips and pull away. He gives you a hurt look.

"We'll finish it later." You say with a smirk. He smiles grabbing your hand as you walk out of the closet. You walk over to the couch and sit down. America sits down next to you, thinks for a second, then pulls you onto his lap. Prussia continues with the game walking over to Spain and having him pick out of the hat. Prussia screams something but amazingly you can't hear it. America must have because he is trying to hold back his laughter.

"What? Who did he pick?" Just as you say this you hear someone new screaming.

"Cazzo! Let me go you bastards!" You and America turn to see Romano getting thrown into the closet by France and Prussia. Spain follows with a smirk on his face.

You and America turn back around and look at each other for a moment before cracking up laughing.

"At least it wasn't that hard to get you in the closet," you say teasingly.

"Oh come on! The hero is never scared!" he says, making you roll your eyes.

"Of course not," you say bringing his face closer to yours and giving him a kiss. You pull back and look him in the eye. "I'll always be safe with the hero by my side." He nods, and brings you back for another more passionate kiss that leaves you thinking that you'll like having the hero by your side.

I hope you liked it. I am attempting to fulfill my promise of updating on my requests. I will be posting another story soon. I also want to update my other story if my parent let me stay on wattpad all day...I don't see that happening but Ill try!

Please leave your comment, vote, fan :D I love reading your comments. It makes writing worth while!

America: I'm am so not shy!

Me: Oh come on America. You cant fool us.

America: *pouts* So not true!

Me: *pats his head* Whatever you say...Now say bye to the readers.

America: See you later dudes! *peace sign* Make sure you leave a comment for your ol' buddy and hero America!


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