Blindfold (Germany)

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The door slamming caused you to jump. You look towards it and see Germany storming into the house. He walks through the living room, past you and into his bedroom, slamming that door as well, causing you to jump a second time. You stare at the closed door stunned. Why is he acting like this?

A moment later, Prussia walks through the door, handling it more gently than his brother. He notices you sitting in the livning room. He walks over to you, shaking his head. "Sorry about him," is the only thing he says.

"Why is he so upset?" You seek answers from the prussian. He only shrugs, and says, "Something at the meeting." Knowing he won't give you anymore information than that, you get up and walk over to Germany's door. You knock softly, but recieve no answer. Well, you guess it's better than him yelling at you to go away.

Slowly, you open the door, and peek your head in. You see him sitting in his desk chair, facing the door. He was rubbing his temples, the most frustrated look on his face. You walk into the room slowly, trying not to startle him, but you trip on your feet, sending yourself hurtling, with a shriek, towards the floor.

You feel something grab your wrist and jerk you upward. You look up and find Germany a few inches from your face, and realize you are sitting in his lap. You look away, blushing slightly.

"Sorry, I'm such a klutz sometimes. Thanks for catching me."

He grabs you chin, forcing you to look at him. "No problem," he purrs with his lips brushing yours slightly. This causes you to blush more deeply, and your breathing to quicken. You had come in here prepared for his anger, and this reaction was the farthest one from your mind.

He begins stroking you hair gently, while he hovers just above you lips, just daring you to make the first move.

So you do.

You slam your lips into his, and his eyes widen in shock. He can feel you smile, as you begin move your lips against his. You can feel his smile as he joins in, the both of you moving together.

After a moment he threads his fingers into your hair massaging your scalp. Suddenly, he grabs a fistful of it, and roughly wrenches it back, causing a small scream that turns into a moan. Germany bends down and begins kissing and biting your neck. Your eyes roll back in your head as you arch you back.

With his fingers still in your hair, he guides your head back up so he can connect with your mouth. You begin kissing again, teasing him by licking his lips gently. Germany tries to use his tongue, but you push your lips firmly together. He smiles as he accepts your challenge.

All of a sudden, Germany stands up, cradling you in his arms, causing you to gasp. He takes the advantage to thrust his tongue into your mouth. You kiss him back, not a sore loser in the slightest.

Germany walks over to the bed, but instead of laying you down, he stands in front of it, holding you, showing off his strength (not that you mind). You two continue kissing for another few minutes, you still cradled in his arms. Germany pulls back to look at you, both of you panting. He smirks suddenly, and you fall to the bed.

He spins around, and walks away, leaving you stunned. He fishes around in his drawers for something. Finding it, he pulls it out keeping it hidden from your view. Germany walks back over to the bed.

"Stand up." he commands with a devilish smile on his face. You obey, with only a slight hesitation. He grabs you shoulders and spins you so you are facing the bed.

"Close your eyes," he commands in a husky whisper. Knowing you will be punished if you don't obey and soon, you close you eyes. You feel the slide of cloth over you eyes, then Germany ties it into a tight knot, rendering you blind. He brushes you hair to the side, and begins kissing your neck again. Your body is alive and tingling under his touch. His arms wrap around your waist, his hands rubbing the inside of your thighs.

Germany begins to nibble on your ear. You roll your head back onto his shoulder, and lick his neck. Using his knee, he spreads your legs apart, then still using his knee he rubs the inside of your thighs, periodically brushing your womanhood. (lame i know but it is what it is) You moan, encouraging him farther. He slides his hand under your shirt rubbing your sides and your breasts. Then he pulls the shirt up over your head, tossing it aside.

You can't take it anymore, and try to turn around to face him, but he won't let you have your way keeping a firm grip on you. You growl in frustration, and he chuckles. When you try to turn again, he relents, and you crash into his lips, even though you're blindfolded it doesn't hinder you in the slightest.

Germany picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. You hear the door open suddenly, and you are roughly dropped on the bed. Without thinking, you pull the blindfold off just in time to see Germany push a smirking Prussia out the door, and slamming it.

He turns around and gives you that devilish grin again. Suddenly you realize you had disobeyed by removing the blindfold. He stalkes toward you like a predator towards his prey. You move back on the bed until you reach the headboard.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disobey." You beg him with your eyes not to punish you, but the look on his face says he won't listen.

I hope that wasnt too much~! Or it was good~! Let me know what you think I wrote this when I first made my account but I just havent done anything with it till now.

Germany: I cant believe you made me do this!

Me: You know you loved it *-^

Germany: *shakes head and blushes*

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