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☆Hongjoong's Pov:

•2 weeks later:

📱New Message: Mingi
Hello, you there?

When did you get back? Are you dead?

How dare you, I am alive and home, i returned 2 weeks ago? How long did you think I stayed? It was only a day..

How was your visit? Did you have fun?

It was nice.

Anything interesting? Anything worth mentioning?


How disappointing....

Was there anything else?

No, Just wondered if anything interesting happened... you two are so boring!

Even if it did i wouldn't say, especially to you. You're a complete snitch

Oh?? Does that mean something did happen?? Hmm??

You will never know! I am off to get some food! :)

I quickly stuffed my phone into my pocket as i rushed out of my bedroom and down the hallway towards the back of the castle where the maids kitchen was.

There was one person inside as i walked in and sat down on the stool to wait.

"Oh! You made me jump! I did not hear you come in!"

"Sorry Byeongkwan... i did not mean to scare you..."

"No need to worry, it is alright. What was it you needed? Are you hungry?"

"Are there any cookies or snacks?"

"Let me have a look, I think Jun baked some this morning? One moment!"

Byeongkwan looked through some of the cupboards for a few minutes before pulling out a white box filled with cookies with a smile.

He handed over the basket as i hopped down from the stiil and took it with a smile.

"Perfect! Thank you, byeongkwan!"

"No problem your highness, let us know if you need anything else"

"Ah, I have said it before, Hongjoong is fine, and Tell Jun i said thank you too"

"I will, Hongjoong"

I closed the door to the maids kitchen behind me as i walked out of the kitchen holding the small box of cookies in my hands.

After i arrived back in my bedroom, i placed the cookie box down on my desk and took out a couple before I sat with a book for a while.

I couldn't concentrate on the book as the pages began to mix together and the words began to blur.

Ever since I returned back home my mind has been a complete mess....

I couldn't stop thinking back to that day, I couldn't tell if I regretted doing it or not...

I wasn't sure why I did it, it just felt like the right thing to do at the time...

But the more I think about it, the more it seemed like the wrong decision....

I hadn't heard a thing from him since I left, although I didn't give him much chance to speak to me as I left about an hour after...

I felt like I should try to speak to him...

So I did. I took my phone from my back pocket and scrolled for a moment before hovering my finger over his name.

I pressed call after a few seconds of mentally debating what to do and say, it didn't take long for him to pick up and speak on the other end.

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