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《See the end for the outfits》

☆Third Person:

The castle ballroom was slowly filling up as more and more guests arrived for the celebration. There were people talking and music playing as time passed by.

It wasn't long before everyone had arrived, and all of the guests' attention was directed to the large staircase at the end of the ballroom.

The guards at the stop of the stairs walked over and opened the doors to reveal Queen Park and her son.

The two stepped forward from the door and paused at the top of the stairs while bowing their heads to the guests.

The guests quietly whispered to each other as the Queen thanked them for coming while the Prince stood silently by her side.

'They certainly know how to make an entrance. Just look at those gorgeous outfits.'

'Look at Queen Park. She looks so gorgeous today.'

'Is the Prince going to say a word?'

'He looks stunning, look at his outfit'

The Queen was wearing a deep purple gown that reached the floor with a sheer sparkling purple train. Her hair was styled up with a few curls hanging down around her crown. She wore matching golden jewellery shaped like small stars that included earrings and necklaces.

The prince was wearing a fully black outfit, a black jumper paired with black leather trousers. The outfit was decorated with small gold flowers and patterns, Over the top of his outfit was a thick black leather corset, and at the back was a long black half skirt. His hair was no longer the familiar white blonfe and was now jet black and styled into loose curls.

The whispers from the crowd died down after a few minutes as the pair slowly made their way down the staircase and disappearing into the large gathering of people.

☆Seonghwa's Pov:

My mother had disappeared almost immediately to go and find a few people in the crowd as i stayed in one spot for a moment while looking around at everything.

She was right with what she said earlier. It looked absolutely amazing.

I could hear the people around me talking with each other about everything, from the decorations to the outfits.

'I need to know where she got that dress. It is gorgeous'

'Wow, he looks stunning....'

'What is he wearing....'

"Hey! Seonghwa!"

I heard a very familiar voice from within the crowd before two people popped out with smiles on their faces.

Hongjoong and Mingi stood side by side as I walked over to them both to say hello.

"We almost could not find you in the crowd."

"You are both useless."

The pair looked at each other with offended expressions before turning back to me as they started laughing.

"So, are you having fun?"

"I suppose so."

"Hm? That did not sound convincing at all. You look a little tired."

"How rude.... but.... I could barely sleep last night.... i would rather be sleeping right now."

"You are always sleeping. Were you excited for today?"

There was a smile on Mingi's face as he stood looking around before looking back to me

"Not necessarily.... Besides, Hongjoong is the one that is always sleeping."

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