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☆Seonghwa's Pov:

"Hwa, I think we should go back inside now, joongie and mingi are ready to go back in..."

".... but...."

"We can play again later, okay? I promise"

"...... okie..."

"Mingi, hongjoong, you two head back inside while we find the ball, okay? We will be there in a moment..."

"Okie! Race you mini!"

The two happily raced away as I turned back to my father who was standing a couple of feet from me...

"I promise we can play more games later, okay? Now, we should get your ball and go back inside"


I looked around for a moment before I spotted it ahead of me near a rose Bush and waddled my way over to retrieve it.

I reached my hands in the flowers to collect my ball, only to pull back with a yelp as the thorns scratched and cut my hands.

"Oh, stay back okay? You might hurt yourself, I will get it for you."

My father walked over and reached over to pick up the ball, I could see a few tiny scratches on his hands and his shirts sleeves as he pulled back.

"Here you go hwa. Now, shall we go back inside?"

I smiled as he handed me the toy ball before I put it down by my feet and hugged his legs tightly.

"T'ank you!"

I felt him ruffle up my hair as I stepped back to stare up at him with an even bigger smile.

I looked down at my ball and picked it up with one hand before holding my free hand up to my father for him to hold.

But he never did..

I stared at him as something splattered onto the ball in my hands and I felt it on me as I slowly lowered my arm, l froze as I saw a splotch of red on my hand as I looked down.

Dark red liquid was also splattered on the ground by my feet as I quickly looked up to see my father...

I wish I hadn't, it was burned into my brain...

There was a bullet hole going straight through his head between his eyes with blood pouring down his face before he fell down to the ground by my feet......

A loud squishing sound echoed through my ears as his head collided with the ground causing more blood to spit out..

I dropped my ball on the floor and quickly covered my ears from the disgusting sound his body made upon impact.

This time the blood landed on my shoes and socks, the deep red slowly bleeding into the white fabrics as I stood watching it....

It felt like something out of a nightmare as I was standing there compeltely helpless..... staring into his face seeing the blood and parts of his brain in front of me...

I couldn't move...

I had no idea he was dead....

I didn't know what death was until that point....

"... daddy? Are you sleepy....?"

I was stuck there staring at his corpse....

I was just a child.... I thought he was sleeping....

I stepped closer and knelt down beside him before lightly tugging his hand to get home to move...

".. I'll go get mummy....."

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