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《16 years ago》

☆Queen's Pov:

Today was the third of April, Seonghwa's birthday. So the two of us had decided to invite King and Queen Song, Prince Mingi, King and Queen Kim, and their son Prince Hongjoong to the castle for a surprise.

It was early in the morning as the sun began to rise when I woke up to the sound of birds through the open window. I briefly glanced at the large clock against the wall and checked the time before sitting up to wake my husband.

"Dear, wake up. It is 7am and Seonghwa will be awake soon."

I was met with a tired mumble before he opened his eyes and spoke again, this time much more clearly.

"He is most likely up now, You wait here. I will go see if he is up."

He gently pecked me on the cheek before tiredly getting out of bed and walking out of our bedroom to Seonghwa's room further down the hall.

After a few minutes, he walked back into the room with Seonghwa happily jumping around behind him with a smile on his face.

"Here is the birthday boy, jumping like a little bunny."

"It' ma birthday! It' ma birthday!"

I smiled as Seonghwa excitedly waddled his way over to me and jumped up on the bed repeatedly to get me up and out of it.

"Hwa, no jumping, you might fall off. You do not want to get hurt on your birthday, do you?"

"Nooo! Im a bunny!"

Hyuk scooped seonghwa up off of the bed as he squealed in surprise, I got out of bed and pinched seonghwa's cheek with a smile.

"Do not forget, You have a special surprise coming today

"Yay!! Suprise!!"

"Come on, mister. I will help you get dressed."

I took Seonghwa from Hyuk and took him back into Seonghwa's room to pick out an outfit for this morning. I eventually settled on putting him in a bright yellow hoodie with bunny ears, white jeans, and white trainers.

"How is this one? Do you like this one?"

"I got ears now!! I can be like Mummy and Daddy!!"

"You don't need hybrid ears to be like us, we love you how you are Hwa...."

Seonghwa jumped up and started to run around the room again.

"Do you want to open your presents now?"

"Yaaaaaaayyyy! Presents!"

"Come here, Daddy will take you downstairs while I get go and changed. Then when I come down you can open your presents!"

Seonghwa smiled and ran out of the room towards our bedroom as i followed behind. Hyuk picked Seonghwa up and took him downstairs to wait for me while i changed into the clothes set out by the maids.

Luckily, it didn't take me long to change once I was back in our room. Within twenty minutes, I was joining them in one of the living rooms.


"Here i am, you can open your presents now sweetheart."

Seonghwa excitedly rushed to one of the many presents that were stacked up in the middle of the room and began to open the wrapping that covered the box inside while the two of us sat watching.

"A ball! I got a ball!!"

Seonghwa finished opening the other presents and happily sat playing with one of the big fuzzy Teddy bears that were a gift from King Minhyun.

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