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☆Hansol's Pov:

"Whats your reason for coming here? Because as far as I know, I have no brother."

"I heard that our mother was ill..."

"Do not call her that, unless you are
proven to be my brother, she is not 'Our mother' is that understood?"

"I understand..... I actually wanted to see you both earlier than this......but I was unable to get here in time to see her.... and well, we know what has happened...... And I wanted to talk to you about some things....."

"And what else were you planning to do while you were here? Kill me and Take over? Your timing seems to be very convenient..."

"No... What makes you think that? I would never do such a thing....."

"Well, You have appeared out of nowhere the second I become king. I want it to be very, very clear.... That you will not attempt to get rid of me so that you can become King instead of me."

"I.. I can assure you that I do not have any plan to try..... and do....that"

"Hm... Another thing is that if you really are my brother, then where have you been the entire time you were absent?"

"I was staying in King Minhyuk's kingdom the whole time...."

"And how did you end up there? Because i think my parents would have known about you being there and would have made an effort to bring you back. Unless they had no idea because you are no relation to us."

"I was taken there by a maid.... They took me to a different kingdom and we stayed there.... i have been there my whole life..."

"Hm.. I assume your family are also here?"

"Oh, how did you know about them?"

"I know a lot, I have my sources, now answer the question before i request that my guards place you back in the cells."

"well yes.... My husband and our son are at our home...."

"hm, and why are you here?"

"As I said... I wanted to talk with you"

"What exactly was it you wanted to speak with me about that was so important you hsd to come all the way here?."

"Well, I have one question to ask you first..... Did you ever find out why you were born human....?"

"No, that is none of your business. Do not bring that up again."

"I just assumed you would know... You did say you know a lot after all."

"You have approximately one minute before i leave this room and you are removed from the kingdom."

"Fine, i have one question.... Which was the reason I wanted to come here... And what I wanted to talk about"

"And that is?"

"They never told you, did they? Why they sent me away instead of you?"

"No, there is no evidence of your existence after all. You could be a complete liar, if that is true you will be thrown out to the wolves."

"So she never told you...."

"What could she have told me exactly?"

"The maid that brought me to King Minhyuks kingdom told me when I was old enough to understand...."

"How do I know that you are not lying, You could be a complete liar that just wants control of my kingdom. I could have you killed if you are lying, You do realise that right?"

"I would never lie about this, believe me"

"Why should i believe someone i have known for a little over an hour, over the woman who raised me for twenty kne years and the man who raised me for only a handful?"

"They took the wrong child, They were supposed to send you away... Since you were born human...."

"What? Do you realise how stupid that sounds, I do not believe you at all"

"There was a mix up, The maid, Hyorin... She was told to take you, but she took... Me... You were supposed to be sent to another kingsom to be protected... Our mother did not hate you in any way.... she tried to do this to make sure you would have been safe, but it went wrong and... Well, you know the rest..."

"That does not make sense, You do not just send a baby away because it is different"

"I know-

"You have to be lying, why would they do that, They never said anything bad about me being a human."

"I can promise you that I am not lying.... I am telling you the truth...I know this is true.... i will do everything i can to prove so..."

"And how do you know this, hm? How do you know that 'maid' was not delusional and lying to you this whole time?"

"She sent me letters... For my birthday and Christmas.. And the maid told me.... i still have all of them...."

"They could have been fake, they could be lying, All of this could be a lie..

"They were very much real..... Why do you not believe me? I really am your brother, why would I lie to you"

"To ruin my life and take over the kingdom, that would be a good guess to start with."

"I know you are not too happy with me suddenly being here, i completely understand...."

"You would be correct, that is the first and only thing that you have said today I agree with."

"And I would feel the same if randomly my brother appeared out of nowhere..."

"As long as you do not cause any issues, you will be just fine down in the cells... and you will be... alive. But if you dare to put one foot wrong, then I will unleash fucking hell on you, do you understand that?"

"I promise that we will not cause any problems"

"Good. Hwanwoong, take him away."

•2 months earlier:

"Do you remember what you need to do Hansol?"


"You had better not fuck up, Or else I will kill you and your brother..."

"Of course your highness, I promise to not mess this up"

"If you do well, I will reward you and your family highly. After all, you are assisting greatly in my daughter and I gaining control of another two kingdoms"

"I will be sure not to let you down your highness. You have my word."

"And if he starts getting suspicious, just make sure that he trusts you so that you can reassure him. And make sure that little friend of his is not getting in the way and telling him things. Or else he will be taken care of by me personally earlier than planned, either way the little brats end up dead. Is that understood?"

"Yes, i understand..... But I have one concern..."

"And that is, Hansol?"

"What if something happens and you and the princess cannot come to the kingdom to take over, What do I do then?"

"Nothing will happen to either of us, You will kill him yourself while we make our way to the kingdom and then full responsibility will go to me... As it should... As it is planned"

"Yes.... I know what I have to do"

"Excellent.. Just remember what the consequences will be if you fail... not just for you, but your family too..."

"Yes.... Understood..."


Edited - 24-2-2024

ILY whoever on twitter made this 😂^

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