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☆Seonghwa's Pov:

•1 week later:

I hadn't been through a day this depressing since I was a child.

It felt so lonely....

There was something uncomfortable about it, seeing so many of the people from the kingdom all in black as they lined the streets....

There must have been thousands as the carriage slowly made its way away from the castle towards the large cathedral.

I hated how quiet it was inside the carriage since it was just me inside, I was stuck in complete silence with only the view through the small windows to occupy my mind...

There were daffodils being thrown towards the carriage as we grew closer to the cathedral..

Quards were lining the streets keeping people back as we slowly passed through....

People were crying as I watched them through the window, it felt strange to see them cry for someone they may have never even met...

Yet I couldn't cry for someone who had raised me....

I reached my hand forward against the glass and gently slid the window to open a slight amount.

I could hear the sound of the horses hooves against the cobblestone street from the multiple crarriages behind, the sound of cries and shouts from the crowds....

The voices began to fade away as the crowd came to an end at the gates of the large cathedral..

There was something about churches and graveyards that I always found interesting, seeing so many names of people all in one place.

People from all different time periods gathered together in the same place after death, people that would have never known about eachothers existence.....

I looked away as the carriage came to a halt outside of the large wooden doors, within a few seconds one of the guards, a very familiar looking one, walked over to open the door and held out his hand for me to take as i stepped out.

"Thank you, jongho..."

The man bowed his head before he spoke.

"It is alright, I have been instructed to walk with you, inside and outside."

"Thank you, then you can lead the way"

He nodded his head and gave me a smile before leading me inside of the building.

The first thing I noticed was just how big it was, there must have been over a thousand people inside sitting in their seats.

Some of them I had never seen before...

Very few of them I remembered, most of them were acquaintances of my mother's...

People that I would most likely never see again in my own lifetime....

The closer to the front I got the more people I began to recognise.

Once I reached the front there was an odd sense of comfort as I saw the people that I knew best, people that I knew better than I knew myself...

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