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☆Hansol's Pov:

•1 week later:

"Why do you want to know? You have been hovering around me for the past hour and a half."

Everything, I want to know everything.....

"Oh, I was just wondering something, and i was going to ask...... Princess Momo, the whole time you were going through the plans for the wedding, you seemed far from happy. Why is that?."

"Because i am not happy about it. And that is all you need to know."

"Why is that... from what i have heard and seen of her, she seems to be very lovely.?"

He seemed to be annoyed by the mention of her name as I started to press the matter further.

"If you think so highly of her, then i would be more than happy for you to take my place at the wedding. That is if it even takes place."

"I just thought you two were a rather good couple. Do you not get along?"

"We do not get along. We never will. And I refuse to marry her."

"It is a real shame that you can not say no to the wedding....  It looks like you have no choice but to say yes...."

"With all due respect. No. You do not understand a thing about this, and I see your input as irrelevant and useless. I do know of a way to get out of this wedding."

His patience was starting to wear thin as I say down across from him.

"But what does that mean, What are you planning.... You can not just drop the wedding out of nowhere. There are rules against it."

"I understand that this may be difficult for you to understand since you were clearly dropped as a child. I will never marry her. Nobody in this kingdom can force me. I have absolutely no interest in marrying her or any woman for that matter.. "

"Well, what about the princess, She really likes you. And her kingdom is expecting a union between the kingdoms..."

"Firstly, I do not care what they are expecting as it will never come. Secondly, strangers who know nothing about me have no right to dictate my life and who I choose to spend the rest of it with. I do not care if she loves me or not as I do not love her, and I never will."

".... I hear that she is very happy around you! And the king is looking forward to the wedding as well as you becoming his son in law"

"Feeling is not mutual, I do not like her in any way. Somethings off with both of them, and i refuse to acknowledge them longer than necessary."

"I doubt that, i am sure they are completely trustworthy. Are you sure it is not just you?"

"And who's side are you on here,  Hansol? Because it seems as if it is not mine. You seem far too interested in pre-arranged affairs that will be voided as soon as possible."

"I- Yours obviously, you are my little brother and I want what is best for you! I am just trying to give you another perspective than your own...."

"We are the same age. You also do not tell me what to do. Is that understood?"

"Yes... i understand....... So.... how is your little friend doing?"

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