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☆Seonghwa's Pov:

"What is going on?"

Yeosang stood awkwardly in the doorway of my bedroom as he hesitated to speak for a moment.

"well... we.... we have got a problem.."

"What are you talking about.... what kind of problem?"

"I promise we will get it sorted out, do not worry!"

"What is the problem, yeosang? Is it serious?"

"It is.... but we can not verify its authenticity at the moment...."

"Please, just spit it out already."

"A man has arrived at the castle claiming to be your brother"

"What? That is false, i do not have a brother?"

"This is why he is being held in the cells until we receive further orders from you.... we can either throw him out and remove him from the kingdom...... or whatever you suggest"

"Are you serious? Is he sane?"

"Yes I am, he seemed to be very sane. He seemed to be certain of what he was saying...."

"For fuck sake, Why is he here all of a sudden? If he were truly my brother, where has he been all of these years?"

"We do not know, but I suspect it is to do with you recently becoming king. He might be after something.... i suggest that he is removed as soon as possible as to not cause any problems..."

"Hm... Well, Since he has just appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden, I am not going to trust him at all until he proves I can. Keep him in the cells until further notice, I also want some sort of test done so we can have a reason for removing him when it comes back negative."

"That is a good thought, Once we get some sort of DNA test back then I will let you know what the results are. Then you can decide if there is anything else you would like to do from there."

"Alright... Oh, by the way, Yeosang.... i have one question while you are here."

"Of course, What is it your majesty?"

"As I am now king.... I am able to make.... changes to certain things that were arranged before I was in charge.... can I not?"

"Well, kind of.... But it is rather difficult to explain...."

"What do you mean? Am i unable to do so?"

"Well, i will use a certain looming event as an example. I know just how much you do not want to go through with this wedding, technically you could call it off-"

"Really!? Oh, Thank god!"

"Actually.... I should finish what iw as saying before you celebrate..."

"Oh... i am Sorry, continue"

"As i was saying, you could not simply just say 'I am not doing this wedding because i do not want to' there would be no valid reasons for its cancellation. There would have to be an actual reason for calling off the wedding..."


"Well, since this was arranged by your parents, If you were to chose someone else to marry instead, Then the first marriage would be called off since both of your parents are deceased and therefore can not fight against it. Not to mention, you and the princess are not officially engaged..."


"Because it has been agreed by the two kingdoms for a while, The other kingdom might be upset about it being called off unless it is agreed between your kingdoms.... again, it is very complicated..... There would be a couple of issues..."

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