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I've been back at the prison for a few days now, and I'm still avoiding Carl. We cross paths, sure, but we haven't talked. I'm focusing on taking care of Lights and helping out. I'm sitting in my cell now, trying to put Lights to sleep. She's calming down and I just fed her, so it shouldn't be hard. I heard someone walk in behind me.

"Hey." they said behind me. It was Carl.

"Hi." I responded, not looking at him. It was stupid, but I'm still mad about everything.

"How are you?" he asked, acting like we're strangers. I turned around and looked at Carl. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was messy. He was probably getting as little sleep as I've been. My nightmares have been back. Luckily, I was far enough away from the others that they didn't hear me when I got up. I was getting better about not crying out.

"Fine." I responded plainly. He looked at me sympathetically.

"I know you're not. I can tell." He told me. I put Lights in her crib and faced him.

"Oh really?"

"Yea, I can. You never face the door when you're upset, and you don't go outside." Carl said. He was right. I hate that he's right. "I'm sorry." he blurted out.


"I'm sorry that I was an asshole. I was worried about you and, who am I kidding, I can't handle a baby. When you left I didn't know what to do with her. I didn't know what to do without you." he apologized to me.

"You mean you didn't know how to take care of Lights without me." I said angrily. He's saying that he didn't know how to handle not having me to do shit for him.

"No, I mean that I can't function without you here. Jinxx, I can't even sleep without you next to me. You weren't there when I rolled over to kiss you good morning. I want you there again." Carl said, stepping toward me until I was leaned against the wall. I don't want him near me.

"Bullshit. You don't give a crap if I'm next to you or not." I snapped.

"What? Baby, of course I do." He whispered, I could smell whiskey on his breath. "Don't you care about me not being next to you?"

"Well, yea, but..." I trailed off. "You were only worried about me not being here to take care of Lights." I defended myself.

"That's not what I meant when I said it. I'm sorry beautiful. Can we try it again?" he offered. I looked him in the eyes. He didn't mean it. I could tell he was making it up. Probably because Daryl's been mad at him and he doesn't want to be the jackass father.

"You don't give a shit about me being with you." I spat.

"I do. Please, just come back into the cell with me." he whispered before pressing our lips together. He was too close for me to push him off, and I was too tired. I tried squirming away and he started tugging on my shirt, running his hand up my stomach.

"No, stop." I said when he separated us. He moved down to my neck and ignored me. "Carl, stop it."

"You missed me." He growled in my ear and started pulling on my pants.

"Stop, stop it! Get off of me!" I yelled and pushed him away. Daryl ran up stairs and looked at Carl.

"What the hell are you doing up here?" He said angrily. Carl just left and Daryl walked over to me.

"What was going on?" he asked

"I don't know. He said sorry and then he tried to- I don't know." I said.

"He's been drinking all day. He doesn't know what he's doing." he told me. I sat on the floor and waited until dinner. I sat next to Daryl and ate quietly when we had all come in to eat. Carl looked sober and was looking at me strangely. I don't think he knows what he did earlier. Lights started crying from my cell and Carl and I both got up.

"I'll get her." I said to him. I don't want him near her.

"She's mine too." He bit back. I shook my head and went to take care of my baby. I heard Carl walk in a few minutes later.

"Come back to the cell with me?" He asked. I turned around and looked at him, the shock probably obvious on my face. "What?" he said.

"Do you not remember what you did to me earlier?" I asked. He thought for a minute.

"Look, I've been drinking, I'm not going to lie. I don't know and I'm sorry for whatever I said." he apologized.

"What you said? Carl, you tried to-." I cut myself off. I can't say it. Realization washed over Carl's face with a mix of regret.

"Oh my god, Jinxx." he said, shocked. He stepped toward me "I- I didn't know... I was- I would never..." He stuttered. He reached out and touched my arm and I stepped away.

"You did. You seriously don't give a crap about me." I told him, tears welling in my eyes.

"What? No, gorgeous I care about you so much. I can't believe that I... I'm sorry." he kept apologizing. "Please. It won't happen again." he begged.

"You can't promise that, can you? We always fight." I said.

"No we don't. Jinxx I love you. We fight sometimes but we don't have to. I'll be better. I won't yell anymore. You can stay inside if you need to and take care of Lights or do whatever. Please, just come back to the cell." he kept begging. I thought about it. "I don't want to wake up without you."

"Alright, we can move back to the cell." I said after a minute. I hugged Carl and he kissed my cheek. We started moving my stuff back into our cell. It was getting late by the time we finished, so I curled up in bed next to him and fell asleep. I'm glad we made up.

I woke up in Carl's arms for the first night in a week. I actually slept through last night without any nightmares. Carl shifted and opened his eyes. He smiled when he realized I was next to him and pulled me closer to him.

"Good morning gorgeous." he smiled and kissed my nose. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm so happy to be in the same bed as you again." I mumbled and kissed him. He kissed back and our lips started to move in sync. I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth. We kept going and he climbed on top of me. I felt his hands run down my sides to my waist, I flipped us over. It was starting to get heated when Lights started crying. I jumped and Carl tightened his grip on me to keep me from falling off of the bed. He laughed.

"Oh shut up." I smiled and got off of him. Lights stopped crying when I picked her up, and I heard someone walk in the room behind me.

"You two are back in the same bed again?" Daryl asked.

"Ya dad. We decided we were being stupid." I said, turning to face him. He said okay and left. I felt Carl's arms snake around my waist. His head rested on my shoulder and I turned to kiss his cheek. We were okay now. Anything my mom did before doesn't matter now, and we can live here. I'm glad they didn't leave me in the gas station.

A/N Well that's it! I needed to wrap this up so I'm sorry that the ending is so abrupt. It's getting hard to write especially after they had Lights. I had a few more chapters I wanted to add but there wasn't going to be a big enough time gap between the major points and it felt like it would've been too rushed then. Anyway I hope you liked my story and please check out the others I have written and comment on here to tell me what you think!

Infection in the air (walking dead fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora