(11) Mad again

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I had gotten caught with Carl in our cell block this morning. We weren't doing anything wrong, except I was half naked and we had a bag of liquor under the bed. I went out to where Maggie was waiting for me to start guard duty.

"So I heard Rick cussing about finding you and Carl, what happened?" she asked. We weren't exactly best friends, but we were friends. The only people who didn't like me in the prison were Beth and Rick.

"Oh we had some wine and Jack under the bed. I don't know why he's all bent up about it."

"That is weird. I guess he's still protecting Carl."

"From what?"

"From you, probably. You're pretty reckless sometimes. Lucky for you Daryl helps you out." she laughed. I shrugged and said I guess so. We watched the prison and didn't talk to each other. Later that day, Carl and I were walking through the woods just outside of the prison. We had eaten a while before and he was holding my hand as we walked.

"I love you." he said and stopped walking, pulling me against him and holding my waist.

"I love you, too." I said back and he kissed me. We did this all the time, I realized. He would tell me something sweet and I would say it back. But I don't mind it. That's what love is. Love is always finding something sweet to say to them. We separated and Carl pressed his forehead against mine.

"You know I'd do anything to keep you with me, right?" he said.

"Yes. I don't know why you keep acting like I'm going to leave you. Where would I go?" I said.

"I don't know. But I'd rather give you reasons to stay than assume you will." he said and we kept walking. Suddenly, my stomach started hurting. I stopped and bent over, thinking it was just a cramp and I was getting my monthly visit. Carl asked if I was okay. I wanted to say I was, I really did. But soon I was bent over even more and throwing up lunch. Carl grabbed my hair and held it back for me. When I was finished, I had to sit in the grass for a minute. He led me to a spot under a tree and let me sit down. After a few minutes, I threw up again. This time, though, there wasn't anything in my stomach, it was just fluid. We decided to go back to the prison and go to bed.

I don't know what I'm sick with, but I've got it bad. I woke up puking again and decided to just use my bandana to tie my hair back for a while. Carl went and got Carol and she made him leave the room to talk to me.

"Headache?" she asked and I nodded.

"Throwing up?" I nodded again.

"Did you drink the other night? A lot?" nodded.

"Its probably just a bad hangover. If it gets really bad, let me know. Otherwise, just get some sleep." Carol told me and I listened. Carl and I would walk around when I wasn't sleeping and I ate what I could stomach. After being sick with my "hangover" for two weeks, I woke up one morning and couldn't get out of bed. I grabbed a bucket Carol had left out for me and threw up nothing but stomach acid. I haven't eaten the last two days. My hair was already tied back from throwing up more than a few times during the night. Carl was laying beside me and when I was done, he pulled me against him, holding my waist.

"Still sick, baby?" he asked and I nodded.

"I think we should go see Carol about it." he said. I told him no.

"Jinxx, you've been sick for 2 weeks. That's not a hangover. Do you want me to get her or are you coming?" he said as he got out of bed and put on his shirt. I was about to get up when I started throwing up again, and I still was when Carol got there. She rushed to my side and waited for me to stop puking. When I was done, she tried to kick Carl out.

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