(9)Carrying on

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This is after Jinxx has fully healed and she and Carl are both 17. I know I skipped a lot of time but just assume things went on normally.


I sat up in the bed next to Carl. His hair was just covering his eyes and he still had the same freckles from when we were 14 years old. I moved his hair away from his face and kissed his forehead. I then got out of bed to get some breakfast. Daryl and Rick were sitting at a table eating so I got my food and went to join them.

"Morning, Jinxx." Daryl said.

"Morning, dad. How did you and Carol sleep last night?" I asked. Daryl said fine and Rick asked how Carl and I were on guard duty last night.

"It was nice to be outside during the night, actually. And only a few walkers were around. No trouble." I reported.

"By the sound of things last night, I don't think either of you paid attention to guarding the prison." Carol said as she sat down with us. I blushed as memories from last night flashed in my mind. It was true, Carl and I were a little too caught up in each other last night to guard anything other than our privacy.

"At least they didn't try it in here," Rick said, "Remember you're dealing with my son." he said, "Don't think I won't move him away from you." he threatened me. Daryl shushed him and nodded toward my cell. Carl had woken up and came over to the table. He sat as close to me as he could and pulled me even closer.

"Morning, Gorgeous." he said in his deep morning voice as he kissed me.

"Hello there, handsome." I giggled and kissed him back.

"Out of the cell block, please." Daryl fake groaned across the table. Carl gave me a look and grabbed my hand. We started running out of the cafeteria to where we knew we would be alone.

"Teenage horomones." I heard Carol sigh as we ran out the door. Carl and I kept running until we were at the end of the prison no one was staying in. We went into the block and back to a room we had originally designed as a simple hideout. Now, it meant so much more. We picked up where we had left off the night before. Carl started kissing me and our lips moved in sync as we stumbled into the small room. He grabbed my thigh and mumbled for me to jump before grabbing the other one. He fell back onto the bed and I started giggling as he kissed my neck and flipped us over. He sat up and started taking off his clothes.

~~~Sorry guys, I don't write smut. They left hickeys all over each other and that's all you need to know.~~~

I woke up again next to Carl and realized we were in our hideaway. I looked at the window and realized that it was almost sunset. I rolled over in Carl's arms and kissed him awake.

"Dinner time. We better go before Daryl or Rick come looking for us." I said softly to him. His blue eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me.

"You can't possibly comprehend how beautiful I think you are." he whispered under his breath. I smiled and he pulled me closer to him.

"Let them look for us. They all know." he mumbled into my neck, nuzzling it at the same time. I decided not to argue with him and laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. After laying in the bed for a few minutes, we heard someone open the door down the hall to enter the cell block. Carl sat up and grabbed his gun from the side of the bed. He had it pointed at the door when the person was right outside.

"Don't shoot." Daryl said as he walked around the corner. He stopped in the doorway. "Did I uh, interrupt something?" he asked, looking back and forth between me and Carl. It took me a moment to realize that I was laying in a bed with only my bra and underwear on next to a shirtless Carl. And that we were intentionally in a different cell block that was the furthest away from the others. I blushed and pulled the blankets up to cover myself.

"No, dad. We weren't doing anything." I said, the embarrassment showing in my voice. He half-glared at Carl and me.

"We were all wondering why you kids missed dinner. Rick said he saw you guys running in this direction and I decided to come looking for you. Put some clothes on and come back to the right cell block." Daryl said and left. Carl got out of bed and put his belt back on. I had to reach down under the bed to find my shorts. My shirt, however, was MIA and I had to put Carl's shirt on to cover myself up. I got up and felt pain settling in the lower half of my body. I grunted and put my hand against the wall to support myself.

"Aw honey, you're already sore?" Carl said as he walked over to me. I nodded. His arms snaked around my waist and he helped support me a little more.

"Was I too rough this time? I'm sorry. Come here." he said as he motioned for me to jump. I did as instructed and he caught me and carried me bridal-style toward our rightful cell. Once we were in the cell block with the others, we realized Carol, Daryl, and Rick were still up.

"Bring that girl over here, Carl Grimes. You've practically starved her all day." Carol said and Carl obeyed. He set me down on a chair and went to get 2 trays of food from Carol. We sat and ate and the people who were still up came and sat with us.

"Where have you two been all day and night?" Rick asked Carl.

"Puppy love. I don't think you really have to ask, Rick. Look at them." Carol said. Rick looked us over and said he didn't want to know. We finished our food and Carl picked me up to take me back to the cell.

"Can't she walk on her own now? You already carried her around for a year!" Daryl said as we walked away.

"Nope. You don't want to know why, do you?" Carl laughed over his shoulder. We went into the cell and laid down. Since we weren't tired and the sun was almost up we just laid in bed. Carl was laying with his hands behind his head and I was playing with his hair.

"Do you want me to cut it?" Carl asked. I was twirling it around my finger.

"Only if you want to. I like it." I told him. It only went over his eyes a little bit. He looked at me and smiled.

"You have the most beautiful eyes. And your smile, god. Please don't leave me."

"You're just saying that." I said as I hid my face against his chest. I'd been hiding in his chest since we were kids.

"Why would I lie to someone so beautiful? Someday, I'm gonna marry you. I swear by it." he said to me. I looked up at him.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Carl. And especially don't make ones you don't mean." I said. He just said okay. I love Carl more than anything, but for all we know he or I could be killed by a walker tomorrow.

"I lo-, I like you a lot, Carl." I said.

"I love you too." he said before he could catch himself. "I mean, um,"

"Its not your fault." I told him. I had been wanting to tell him I love him for months now, but I always caught myself.

"No, its your fault that I'm falling in love with you." he said. I said I loved him too and kissed him. We heard Carol yell that it was time for breakfast in the cafeteria. We went and ate and decided to go walking outside the prison. We were holding hands and humming random songs. Carl looked at me and we stopped walking. He was about to kiss me when an arrow flew between us. We jumped back.

"Dad! What the hell?" I yelled into the trees. Daryl emerged from the trees.

"Keep your hands to yourself, pretty boy." he said as he grabbed his arrow out of the tree and kept walking. "We're going on a run tomorrow. You guys are coming." he said over his shoulder. Carl asked me if I was hurt.

"I'm fine except for the pain from yesterday." I laughed. I took his hand again and we walked back to the prison for dinner.

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