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When I woke up again, Carl was gone. I got up and went to our cell to get a shirt. Carol was outside of it talking to Carl.

"you had better behave now or she might run off." I heard as I came around the corner. The conversation ended when they saw me. I said good morning to them and started going through my bag for a shirt. I felt someone come up behind me and grab my waist.

"Good afternoon Gorgeous" I heard Carl say. I squirmed from his grasp and put on my shirt. Then hugged him. He told me it was 2:00.

"Why didn't someone wake me up?" I asked, frustrated that I wasted my day.

"We were told you weren't sleeping well. Missed me, did you?" he gave me a teasing smile. I nodded and asked if we had any guard duty or something we had to do.

"I've been here for like, two months and haven't done anything productive." I complained. Carl got us put on guard duty in an hour.

We went out and took Daryl and Glenn's place at the gate. It was boring, but I was glad I got to help the group out at least a little. Halfway through our shift, a guy came to the gate and wanted in. Carl raised his gun to shoot him and I grabbed his hand.

"Let him in and cuff him. I'll go get Rick." And I ran to get the leader.

We came back and found out the new guy's name was Andy. He had short black hair and blue eyes. He said his sister was close behind him and her name was Ashley. Just then, Ashley appeared and Rick let them go to the cafeteria. Carl and I were in charge of watching them. We gave them food and started talking.

"So, are you two related?" Andy asked motioning to Carl and I. We said no. I noticed Ashley was staring at Carl. Andy was staring at me, too.

"Why don't we show you around the prison?" Carl asked. Ashley said she wanted to go with Carl. And I was sent with Andy.

"You know, you're pretty cute." Andy told me when we left Carl and Ashley.

"You and I would make a pretty cute couple." He continued.

"I don't think so." I laughed. Andy seemed frustrated and walked ahead of me. A while later, Andy turned around and grabbed me, forcing my lips onto his. I pushed him off and slapped him.

"You liked it." he said, holding his throbbing cheek. I slapped him again. This time, Andy wasn't going to let it go.

"You little bitch." he said as he slapped me. Just then, Carl came around the corner with Ashley and saw me on the ground.

"What the hell?" Carl exclaimed. He grabbed Andy and pushed him against the wall. Andy responded by punching him repeatedly. Carl was losing. I went up and pulled Andy off of him and threw him to the floor. I pulled my knife out of my belt and was about to stab Andy when I felt someone pull me off, taking my knife. It was Daryl.

"Go!" he yelled to Andy and Ashley, they obeyed.

"Daryl! The fuck?" I yelled. He let me go, still holding my knife.

"We will make them leave, but you need to go to your cell, both of you."

I helped Carl up and we went to the cell.

"You okay?" I asked Carl. He had acquired a black eye and a few bruises.

"Ya, thanks for pulling him off." he responded. I nodded and we sat in silence until Rick came to yell at us.

"Daryl tells me you two got in a fight? Not with each other I hope." We explained what happened and Rick told us they were gone.

"Why don't you two go on the run with us tomorrow?" Rick offered. Carl and I eagerly agreed.

"We leave at sunrise tomorrow. Go have Carol look you guys over." He said over his shoulder as he left. We went to Carol and again had to explain the fight. She gave Carl ice and looked at my ribs. They were fully healed.

"Be careful tomorrow. You can go eat and get some sleep now if you want." She told us. Carl grabbed my hand and we went and picked through some leftovers. Afterward, we went back to the cell and talked.

"So, you lived in Nebraska?" Carl asked.

"Yes, how I ended up here I have no idea." I laughed.

"Do you want to go to sleep? I'm really tired." Carl finally said. I was about to climb to the top bunk when he moved over so I could lay next to him. I smiled and got in bed with him. He kissed my neck and pulled me next to him. I found sleep easily.

The next morning, Daryl came and woke us up to go on the run. We got in the backseat of the car and Rick was in front. We rode in silence to a nearby town. I started exploring when we got there, killing walkers here and there. Carl came up behind me and grabbed my waist again.

"Hey gorgeous, wanna see my old house?" I nodded and we walked over to his old house. It was locked up and there were no walkers inside. He showed me around and we ended in his old room.

"How long do the runs usually take?" I asked him.

"Normally around 3 hours. Do you want to stay here?" Carl asked. I nodded and he grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. His lips hit mine gently, and I gave him all that I had. I started pulling off his shirt, and he let me. Once I had it off, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. Our lips worked in sync and he turned around and fell on the bed. I let out a gasp and giggled when we hit. He rolled us over so that he was on top of me and I felt his hands starting to take off my shirt. I heard a yell in the distance.

"Carl, I heard your dad call us." I said. Carl didn't stop and began kissing my neck.

"Carl." I said giggling when he kissed the sweet spot behind my ear.

"Ignore him." Carl whispered against my skin. He moved back up to my lips and got my shirt off. We continued a few more minutes.

"Carl?" We heard Rick's voice but discarded it. The bedroom door flew open, it was Rick.

"Carl get off of her!" Rick yelled as he pulled Carl off of me. I scrambled and tried to get my shirt back on. Rick pulled Carl away and Daryl came up the stairs.

"What hap-" Daryl stopped dead when he saw me trying to put my shirt on. "What did you do?" He asked, sounding disappointed.

"It's not like that. Well, it kinda is. But I can explain!" I was trying to fix what was about to happen. I got my shirt on fully and Daryl's look of disappointment turned to anger. Daryl marched me out of the house and made me ride on his bike back to the prison. Rick had Carl and I put in cells opposite the room from each other.

"Daryl, you're in charge of Jinxx. I hope you'll listen to me this time?" Rick told me. I looked over at Carl, Rick had him handcuffed and Carl was looking at the ground. As we were locked in the cells, Rick took off the handcuffs. I tried to sleep, but ended up crying most of the night.

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