(14) Arrival

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***I skipped a few months, Jinxx is almost 9 months pregnant now. Its past winter and is late spring. Enjoy lovelies!!***

I woke up and rolled out of bed, Carl must've felt me shift because he sat up, fully alert.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"If you mean 'do I have to get Carol', no. I'm fine, I just want to be up for the day. Maybe I'll wash clothes." I said as I left the cell. Carl followed me.

"You shouldn't leave the prison." he frowned, "Or the cell, for that matter. What if you get hurt?"

"Carl, I get it, I could get hurt and we could lose the baby. I'm trying, but I want to go outside. Rick hasn't let me out there for a month!"

"You were due 2 weeks ago we thought. He doesn't want you to be on the other side of the yard when the baby comes. He wants to make sure Carol and Hershal are there to help!" he said.

"I want to go outside, and you can't stop me." I said and turned to walk away. Carl grabbed my wrist and I was about to pull away from him when Carol showed up.

"Carl, quit stressing Jinxx out. Its bad for the baby. Jinxx, what do you need, dear?" she said. I told her I wanted to go outside and she made a face but said she would talk to Rick. After making beds for an hour, Carl was on guard duty and Carol came with Daryl and Maggie to take me outside. They are seriously treating me like a prisoner. I wasn't allowed near the fence because everyone seemed convinced someone would shoot me or something. Justin and Mary left a few months ago because Mary was looking for her parents. I told them I was fine but they wouldn't leave my side.

"Guys," I groaned, "leave me alone. If the baby comes, I'll yell for you."

"Haha, no. Carl's orders, Jinxx." Carol said. I glared at her and kept walking. I subconsciously ran my hand over my stomach. Its huge, I'm huge. Being 9 months pregnant does not look good on me. I was wearing a dress Daryl picked up on a run from the maternal section of a store. At least it fits decently. Its nice and sunny out here, thank god I didn't have to give birth in the winter. I walked over by the flower garden we had started when it started warming up. We had a mini white rose bush next to violets and other flowers. I pulled a rose off of the stem and smelled it. These are my favorite flowers. I turned around and told everyone I was ready to go inside and eat something. Carol made me a sandwich and mixed water in with some kind of powder we got to help the baby for me. It tasted disgusting, but it was supposed to help make sure the baby is healthy and that I won't die having it. Carl came and sat next to me when I was done eating.

"Hey baby, how're you doing?" he asked as he kissed my cheek.

"Fine. God, my stomach is huge." I said. I took a deep breath as I felt the baby start kicking.

"What's wrong?" Carl asked.

"Nothing. Its kicking. Here." I said and pulled his hand onto my stomach. The baby kicked where his hand was and he smiled.

"Looks like this baby's gonna fight as much as you." he said. I laughed and kissed him. I decided to go to sleep for a while.

That night, after dinner, Carl and I went to bed. I was laying on my back and he must've thought I was asleep. He put his hand on my stomach and ran it over the bump. I stayed still because he normally didn't do stuff like this when I was awake.

"You're going to be beautiful. I'll make sure you have everything you need." he whispered. He put his arms around me and went to sleep.

I woke up before the sun was even up and thought I felt the baby kicking. It was a really hard kick and for a second I thought I couldn't breathe. It kicked again but it was harder than the first. It took me a second to realize its probably not kicking. Carl sat up beside me and asked what was wrong. I tried to be calm and said I just had to go to the bathroom and left to go get Carol.

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