(4)The truth comes out.

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The next day, I woke up early and just started walking around the prison. After about my third round I met up with Carl and he walked with me. We started talking about when we first met.

"You know, I hated you when I first met you." I said to Carl. He smirked at me.

"You weren't exactly a ray of sunshine either. Why didn't you fight me back?" I shrugged.

"I learned to kind of just take it. And you took my weapons, what the hell else was I gonna do?" I said as he laughed at my last comment. I admit, I liked talking to Carl. He didn't prod me about my past anymore. And I found it easy to talk to him. But at the same time something was telling me not to trust him too easily.

"So, um. Jinxx." Carl started. I gave him my full attention.

"Would you maybe, uh, haha, never mind, it's stupid" he awkwardly finished.

"No its not, what is it?" I urged him on.

"Would you want to be my girlfriend?" He finally got it out. That wasn't what I had expected.

"Um, well," I began. Carl looked hurt and turned to run away. I grabbed his wrist and he spun around.

"Yes." I said. He looked confused.

"Yes, Carl. I'll be your girlfriend." It sounded even weirder coming from my mouth. He looked at me and hugged me.

That night, I was in my bed awake when I saw a flash of light and heard a crash. It startled me and I got down from the bunk, taking a blanket and my pillow with me, and walked around a little. Another crash. I jumped and let out a startled cry. I went to the corner of the cafeteria and curled up. I couldn't sleep though. *crash*. Another cry escaped my lips and I heard someone walking toward me.

"Mom, mom no! Please! I didn't do anything!" I screamed. I was scared. And I swore I could hear her walking toward me with the belt. Someone walked out of the darkness and I curled up tighter, waiting for the belt to meet my skin. Tears were rushing down my face. The person sat beside me and gently shook me.

"Jinxx, its me. What's wrong?" I heard Carl's voice whispering in my ear. My voice was shaking.

"I-I'm fine. I c-can take care of it." I replied. "R-really, I can c-care for m-myself." I sat there a moment in silence. Then Carl spoke.

"I know you can. But I want to help you. Please let me." I looked at him. He smiled weakly at me and hugged me. I started crying harder, and he held me until I was finished.

"Better?" Carl finally asked and I nodded, drying my tears.

"Want to sleep in my bed tonight?" He asked sympathetically. I nodded and he helped me over to the cell. I fell asleep with his arm carefully placed around my waist, so he didn't hurt my broken ribs, and with my head on his chest. I let his steady breathing lull me to a deep sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Carl was gone. I put on a different pair of clothes and walked into the cafeteria. Carl was sitting at the same table we were at yesterday, eating. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked when I sat down. Did I break down that bad?

"Yes, I'm fine. I guess the lightning was a trigger or something. Was it that bad?" I nervously asked. I don't want him thinking I need him or something. But I do.

"Well, I don't know. Are you usually screaming and crying uncontrollably?" He said the last part in a whisper so no one would hear it.

"I'm not sure. But it does happen pretty often. I would get it if you wanted me in a different cell or something."

"No! Why would I make my girlfriend move when she needs me?" Carl had an expression of pure shock on his face.

"Well normally when people see me have an episode like that they don't want me around anymore." I explained. I heard a voice interrupt behind us. It was Daryl.

"An episode like what?" he questioned. I sighed, he wouldn't let it go if I said nothing. I started explaining.

"When I was growing up, my mom hit me a lot. I developed a tolerance for it and when some one made me mad, I did what I knew how to do. I beat them up. I eventually was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. No one believed that my mom hit me when I told them. And when things went bad, my dad took my mom and left me to die. I mean, I'm nothing but a punching bag, right? Why stay where I'm not wanted?" I finished and noticed the rest of the group had showed up. They were all speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Jinxx, we are so s-" Rick started.

"Don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me!!" I screamed at them, "I've told you all, I'm not a fucking charity case!" I threw the chair across the room. "Everyone who tells me they're sorry leaves me. And they don't come back!" My rage had now turned to sadness as I began crying. Carl tried putting his arm around me and I shrugged him off.

"You're all leaving me again. Just like the others!" I cried as I crumbled to the floor. They were all looking at me. It just came to me what all I had said.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I guess now you know what's wrong with Jinxx, and why she doesn't let anyone in." I felt awful. I let Carl help me up and I went to our cell. He sat there with me and I told him I would probably need someone to get me meds so that doesn't happen again.

"Daryl, my dad, and Michonne are going on a run soon. I'll ask them if they can get some." Carl said as he got up to leave. When he left I felt empty. You don't need him. You don't need him. I kept telling myself. I heard another voice in my head say but I need him.

Carl came back and I was crying again.

"Are you okay? This is getting really bad." He said to me.

"I'm going to be fine. I honestly go through it a lot. I feel bad for what I said though." and with that I cried harder. Carl held me and told me they weren't mad. And I soon fell asleep in his arms

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