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I opened my eyes, I was next to Carl and he was playing with my hair. We sat in silence then Daryl appeared. He started yelling and scolding us for "what we did to him". I didn't know what we did, but I started apologizing anyway. Tears were rushing down my face. I wanted Daryl to forgive me for whatever I did. He walked over and grabbed Carl and started beating him. I was screaming at them to stop. I couldn't pull them apart.

"Wake up! Jinxx!!" Daryl shook me awake. It had all been a nightmare. I sat up and hugged him.

"I'm sorry dad. I mean, uh." I pulled away awkwardly. Daryl looked at me sympathetically.

"You can call me that. I don't mind." He said as he hugged me again.

"Want to explain what happened with Carl? You mumbled his name a few times." Daryl asked. I wiped my tears off of my face and nodded.

"We went to his old house and went into his room, he kissed me and it kind of progressed from there. We really didn't do anything more than what you walked in on, and I wasn't gonna let him get that far." I explained quietly. I could hear Carl's soft breathing in his cell.

"He almost got that far though. You didn't look like you were about to stop him either." Daryl said, hurt showing in his eyes. He had expected more of me, and I let him down when he found us.

"Daryl, what did I do that was so bad? We're both 14, it's not like Carl was with Beth or something." I asked.

"Rick wants Carl to stay an innocent 14 year old. He already grew up so much when his mom died, he didn't get to be a kid. I think Rick wants to make that up to him." Daryl explained. I asked him how long we weren't allowed to see each other.

"Rick told me until he says so. I don't know how long that'll be." he responded. My heart sank. I wanted Carl here so bad, it was unbearable. I needed him. Daryl said he would try to convince Rick to let Carl be in the cell next to me in the morning. I told him was going to try to sleep, but only pretended so that he wouldn't worry about me. I knew that if I slept, I would have another nightmare.

I woke up the next morning and noticed Rick was guarding my cell.

"Where's Daryl?" I asked. Rick turned around and glared at me. It was a look of pure hatred. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sat on the bed. Rick turned back around and stood in silence. I looked across the block and saw that Michonne was watching Carl's cell. There was some noise as someone came up the stairs. It was Carol with food for us. She came into the cell and talked to me for a second.

"You made a stupid move pissing Rick off." she said in a whisper.

"We didn't do anything. He won't listen to me."

"Just wait for things to blow over. Rick can't stay mad forever. Any nightmares?" I nodded.

"One last night, I didn't sleep after that." Rick yelled at Carol and she had to leave. I ate my food and started trying to find things to occupy myself. I make sculptures out of the blankets and eventually made a fort. After about an hour, I was bored again. Rick left and switched places with Maggie. Glenn guarded Carl.

"Maggie! I'm bored." I complained. I didn't really talk to Maggie that much, but at least she didn't hate me.

"Shh. I'm not supposed to talk to you." She said over her shoulder.

"Maggie, this is stupid. We didn't do anything. Can't you just let us out? Please?"

"I don't know what happened, but Rick would kill me if I let you out, I'm sorry." she said, still talking over her shoulder. I gave up on trying to convince Maggie of anything, and sat in the bed. I eventually fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up and looked around the empty cell. Carol was watching me now. I knew she wouldn't let me out, and I just groaned.

"Why so upset?" she asked me in a teasing tone.

"I feel like a caged animal! How long have we been in here?"

"Three days. You will be okay." she said.

I laid on the floor and started playing with my hair and then I realized, my hair was to my shoulders.

"Carol, can someone cut my hair? It can even be in here, I want it back to my short length."

"Why cut your beautiful black and blue hair?" she said giving me a puzzled look.

"Please!" I yelled. Carol went and asked Rick.

"Big boss says no. He also said that you might be let out tomorrow if you behave. So be nice." she said with the same teasing tone. I glared at her and laid back down on the floor with a thump. I stayed there until Michonne brought me dinner. Rick hadn't sent my meds with her, but I didn't want to complain for fear of a longer sentence. I looked back over at Carl's cell and noticed he wasn't there.

"Where is he?" I asked Carol around a mouthful of food. She laughed and turned around.

"Rick let him out yesterday." she replied. What?

"Well that's not fair." I mumbled. Carol turned back around. I finished my food and climbed to the top bunk of the bed.

"Carol, can you at least go get the book out of my bag for me?" she went and got it and handed it to me. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I opened it and started reading it for what was probably the 30th time. I loved this book so much. I finished it within a few hours and was bored again. Everyone went back to their own cells and went to sleep. I started pacing in my cell. Rick obviously hates me. I heard footsteps up the stairs coming toward my cell. A few moments later Carl appeared.

"You shouldn't be here. Your dad might-"

"I don't care, I had to see you." he cut me off. I hugged him through the bars. Rick yelled for Carl in the distance, and he left. I stayed up all night believing if I slept I would have a nightmare.

When the morning came Rick came up and reluctantly let me out of the cell. I grabbed my book and slowly walked out and into the cafeteria. Carl was down there and we both stared at each other before turning to look at Rick.

"Go. I can't stop you." he said and Carl and I took off and ran outside. We playfully chased each other and he caught up to me and tackled me. I laughed and kissed him.

"Don't let your dad catch us, he'll make sure to lock me up forever." I joked.

"He won't see us." he said as he kissed me again. We sat up and rested before chasing each other again. I was running with Carl about 2 yards behind me when something hit me. I fell to the ground and put my hand over where I got hit. My left forearm was bleeding.

"Carl!" I yelled a few times. I got up and started walking towards the prison when something shot me again but in my right thigh. I fell to the ground and yelled for help. Beth came running and asked me what was wrong.

"Are you stupid? I got shot! Go get Daryl, or, someone!" I said through clenched teeth. She ran off and came back a few minutes later with Daryl.

"Shit kid, what happened?" he said. He picked me up and took me to Hershal. When we got there, Hershal tied my arms and legs down and put a towel between my teeth.

"I'm going to take the bullets out." he told me. He started with my arm and it came out without much blood. Daryl wrapped it to try to stop the blood. Then came my leg. The bullet was in deep and bled a lot more than even my ribs did. I bit the towel and felt tears warm my face.

"You need to stay awake kid. Wake up." Daryl said as he gently slapped my face. I wasn't sure I could stay awake.

"It's almost over." Daryl said. My head fell to the side and I saw Carl run in.

"Jinxx! No!" he screamed. Hershal was still working on my leg.

"Keep her awake." he said as he dug deeper for the bullet, obviously not finding it. I tried to scream as the pain became unbearable. I bit harder into the towel and felt more tears rush down my face. My eyes began to close.

"Jinxx! Don't you dare fall asleep!" Carl yelled at me. I didn't want to quit on Carl. Hershal dug even deeper for the bullet and I jerked my entire body, only making the pain worse. My eyes slowly closed and Carl's screams to keep me awake faded. I fell into a deep sleep.

Infection in the air (walking dead fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora