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A few hours later I was released with a clean bill of health. I went to kiss Jungkook but then...I smelled him. "Ewwww! Kookie you need a shower!" I said. "I do?" He said and smelled himself. "Ugh! Your right!" He said. "Come on let's go home" I said. "I'll just follow you" mom said as she went to her rental car. "I'm driving?" Kookie asked. "Probably best" I said and handed him the keys. "These are...." He began. "Your keys to your car yes. I've kept it since you disappeared" I said. "Quan....." He said. "Save the making up for later kay?" I said. "You just better be ready for me" Jungkook said. "I've been ready" I said as we got into the car. "How many have had you?" Jungkook asked. "Truely? Like one but it was more of I had him. He couldn't do shit" I said. "Same as me then....I had to teach the guy....he wasn't very pleasurable" Jungkook said. "I still dream about our shower sex...I couldn't get you out of my mind no matter what I tried...." I said. "I still dream about out make out session in the elevator....I heard that girl whatever her name was is married now and pregnant" Jungkook said. "Oh really? Well then good for her" I said. "Yeah great for her" Jungkook said. After driving for hours we finally arrived at my house. "This is your house?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah home sweet home" I said.

"I love it Quan it's a beautiful house!" Mom said. "I love it too" I said as I stared at my beautiful two story stone house. When I first laid eyes on this house it was a mess. Cracks in the foundation, broken windows, graffiti on the walls. It was the bane of the otherwise beautiful neighborhood. I spent a pretty penny getting it fixed up. Now it's the envy of the neighborhood. It's pristine cobblestone and brick outer walls paired with the stunning bay windows that opened up the living room and kitchen on the first floor to the neighborhood. The second floor is amazing in it's own right. "5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms not including the in-law suite in the basement complete with it's own bathroom and living space. I spent about 100,000 won getting it fixed and renovated but I'm glad I did" I said as we entered the house via the garden entrance. I gave mom and Jungkook the tour of the house then Jungkook went to take a shower. "Well I'm off" mom said standing up and grabbing her keys. "Mom you can stay here you know" I said. "And interfere with your alone time with your husband to be? Never! I may be your mom Quan but I'm also a human being and I know you have needs. You haven't seen him in 2 years....even I can tell what's gonna happen and I will not interfere with it. I love you son. Don't ever forget that. No matter how far you travel I will always love you and support you" mom said and kissed my forehead. "Now go join him. I have no doubt he wants that" mom smiled and left. "Mom...." I said but she just waved and left. I knew she wanted to stay with me the whole night. Sleep next to me and hold me like she use to when I was a kid but she also knew that I'm my own man now. She doesn't want to jump right into my life and mix it up after being gone from it forever. "I love you too mom" I said and followed her instructions. I entered the bathroom and looked into the mirror. "Quan? You ok?" Jungkook asked. "I'm fine. Liking the shower?" I asked. "Could be better" Jungkook said. "How so?" I asked. "If you were showering with me" Jungkook said. I smiled and stripped. "Well let's make it better" I said.

***********18+ action***********

Not even a second after I joined Jungkook in the shower we were kissing passionately. Our arms wrapped around each other and our hearts racing together. He pushed me against the wall and pinned my arms back as he kissed and licked my neck. "Ngh...." I moaned. "Don't start that or I will lose what little control I have" Jungkook said. I looked at him with my eyes and smiled. "Then let's lose it" I said. That was all Jungkook needed as he hoisted my legs up and pinned them as he went in deep and bare. "AH!" I screamed as he began to pound me senseless. He was gentle at first but got gradually more rough and harder. "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Fu....fuck!" I moaned. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and kissed him. We locked up as we kissed. No movement just being present in the moment. He ran his hands through my hair and gave it a good tug making me moan before he continued to pound my ass. "Fuck! fuck! Fuck!" I moaned as he sped up. Then he picked me up and laid me flat on the shower floor as he continued to thrust, harder, faster, passionately. "I'm close! Fuck!" I said. "Me too lets do it!" Jungkook said as he sped up. "Argggggggg!!!!" We screamed as we busted him inside me and me all over his chest and my stomach. Then we flipped and I began to pound him till we busted a second time. "Ewww we are....very sticky" I said as I pulled out. "Fuck!...huh.....we needed that it seems" Jungkook said. "Your right...." I said as I turned the second shower head on. Jungkook wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. "I've missed you so much Quan...." He said. "I've missed you too" I said and turned around to hug him back. "Quan will you still marry me?" He asked suddenly. "Yes....you didn't even need to ask" I said and we kissed again. That night was a night to remember. I started out alone, a broken boy thrusted out into the streets at a young age. The broken child grew into a man as all do. A man who made something out of his life and followed his dreams. Now I'm the man who married a stranger and fell in love. Now that stranger is my husband....father to our adopted daughter and son, son-in law to my mother who never forgot me and always loved me for me and brother-in law to the siblings I never knew. It's strange how life unfolds like that. You start out there thinking nothing good will come to you only to end up with everything. A husband, two kids, a supportive family, and an awesome career. What I will say to every other child like me is..never give up and never give in. Life may seem black and loveless...but you'll find that light. Take it from me the guy who married a complete stranger and found that unseen light.

Married to a Stranger [Jungkook]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن