Face to Face

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"Excuse me" I said approaching the Secretary. "Yes?" The secretary asked. "I'm here to see Jung Jungkook" I said. "He said to expect someone very well don't stay too long and say your goodbye. He is schedule to go to court in the morning and then be sent to Seoul Prison to await his sentence be it death or life sentence" she said. "Why not a time or parole?" I asked. "The country of South Korea has confirmed that these are the sentences. Those or bail and that isn't set yet" The Secretary said. "Oh....OK..." I said. "Please allow bail...." I thought. "Please follow me" she said. I nodded and followed behind her. "Time to face him again...." I thought. "Please wait here and I'll send a policemen to bring him here" she said and left. I looked about me at the room I was in. It was a single blue tiled room with a matching couch and a small square table with two chairs. I sat on the couch and waited for Jungkook. "It's been two years since I last saw him....I heard his mom committed suicide after her husband's death and Jungkook's disappearance. He wasn't at her funeral and neither was his brother. So his brother was the one that saved Jungkook and me that night huh?" I said.

I stood up once I heard a hand touch the doorknob. I held my clutch purse and stood there in my Gothic punky black heeled boots and my yoga pants that matched my black graphic T-shirt as the door opened revealing a tall police officer. "Here you are" he said to someone outside in the hallway. "Could you leave us?" I heard. Jungkook ask. "You got 20 minutes then I'll be back! Cameras are everywhere here so don't even think about fleeing or else your visitor will join you in your cell!" The policemen said harshly as Jungkook walked in. "Thank you!" He said and bowed before the door closed. "Don't kiss him.....don't you dare!" I thought. I turned around and braced myself. "Hyung?" He asked as he turned around before stopping in his tracks. "Q....." He began then I turned around. "Hi babe" I said with a smile. "Qu....QUAN!!" he screamed and ran to me before locking me into a deep kiss. I couldn't help it....I missd his lips so I pushed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. We kissed for a good two minutes before he let me go. "Quan...I didn't expect it to be you" he said. "You were expecting your brother?" I asked. "At first Guku then I was told the visitor was male so I thought of my brother yeah" Jungkook said. "Well I'm someone cuter" I said. "That you are...you look amazing! Your hair got longer and your more open with your clothes. I'm so happy for you!" He said. "Thanks..." I began. "How was the states?" Jungkook interrupted. "The states? I...I haven't went yet" I said. "What? Why not?" He asked. "Because of you" I thought. "I fell in love with Seoul once I moved there and decided to take a break from traveling" I said. "For how long?" Jungkook asked. "Till you can leave with me..." I thought. "Just till I break in my new house" I said. "Oh....so you'll still leave?" He asked. "Yeah I will but I'll return to Seoul" I said. "Quan....I'm so sorry....I'm so so sorry!" Jungkook said as he broke down and began to cry. I held him as he cried. "Sorry for what?" I asked.

"For causing you pain and for holding you back. For causing more trauma to happen to you!" He said. "Kookie....you did no such thing! I should apologize.....I cheated on you...." I said. "You didn't cheat on me" he said. "Yes I did because I'm still Jung Quan" I said. "Jung....Jung Quan?" Jungkook said as he stopped crying and looked at me. "You didn't call it off and neither did I so I'm technically still your fiancee" I said and handed him a can of Banana milk. "Banana milk?" Jungkook said. "You do still like it right?" I asked. "Yes..I can't believe you still remembered...." Jungkook said. "What kind of fiancee would I be if I didn't remember my future husband's favorite drink" I said and kissed his cheek before sitting down. "Your future....husband?" Jungkook asked as he joined me at the small table. "Yeah...I mean if you still want me that is" I said. "I tried to forget you....even became a man whore for a few months. Even though I tried so hard to forget you...I just couldn't. I still want and care about you Quan.....I love you" Jungkook said as he grabbed my hands. "I love you too Kookie....and I'm going to get you out!" I said. "How?" Jungkook asked. "I'll be at your hearing tommorow and once I hear the bail amount I'll pay it" I said. "But!" Jungkook began but I hushed him by placing my finger on his lips. "No buts I'm going to do it period. Through thick and thine I'll stand by you I promise" I said. "Times up!" The policemen said barging in. Jungkook looked at me and held my hand oncemore before he kissed my cheek. 'Thank you Quan...." He said as he stood up and walked back to the officer. The next day I arrived back in Seoul after leaving Busan and driving all night. I quickly slept and showered then drove to the courthouse. I wore a white suit and dress shoes as I entered the courthouse. "I'm looking for the Jung Jungkook hearing?" I said. "Room C leave your cell phone off during the hearing" the security guard said. "Of course" I said. I sent Guku a quick text then turned my phone off. I sat in the very back of the courtroom and watched.

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