Perfect Defense

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As I watched and waited in the back of the courthouse I saw someone I knew from my past. "What! Why is he here!" I thought. "Please use the restroom before the criminal is brought in no one will be allowed to leave once court is in session" a guard said. I saw him leave and I followed. "Xiaoyu! What are you doing here!" I said in Chinese. Xiaoyu turned around and I saw the face of my childhood friend for the first time since I was exiled. "Quan? Is that you?" He said confused. "Yes it's me! What are you doing here! Did my parents send you to find me?! How low!" I ranted. "Quan!" Xiaoyu said and hugged me with tears in his eyes. "What???" I said taken aback. "Oh my god! I've been so worried about you! I thought you died!" Xiaoyu said. "Died? What has my parents told everyone!" I said. "What do you mean? They said you died in an accident" Xiaoyu said. "In an accident huh? How pathetic...they didn't want to sour their reputation by revealing the truth...I hope the devil takes them!" I said angry. "Truth? What are you talking about?" Xiaoyu asked confused.

"I'm gay Xiaoyu! When I told them at 14 they exiled me from the family and condemned me to a life on the streets!" I said. "What the fuck!" Xiaoyu said. "That's what my fiancee said" I said. "Your engaged?! Oh my god! Who is he!" Xiaoyu said. "Jung Jungkook" I said. "Hey! That's the guy I'm defending" Xiaoyu said. "What!" I said surprised. "Yeah! I'm a lawyer to my parents dismay" Xiaoyu said. "That's better then being a youtuber" I said. "Your a Youtuber?" Xiaoyu asked. "Yeah....for about 6 years" I said. "That's awesome I'll definitely subscribe after this! So have you been in South Korea this whole time?" Xiaoyu asked. "Only for almost 3 years" I said. "Have you been back home?" Xiaoyu asked. "No I haven't I've been to Beijing but I haven't stepped foot in Hong Kong" I said. "I live in Beijing now with my trans wife and our two adopted kids!" Xiaoyu said. "Hold on! You're married to a transgender female?" I said shocked. "Yeah! Although she's still in transition. After the court case I'm gonna pay for her full transition" Xiaoyu said. "How much do you need?" I asked.

"About $10,000 yuan" he said. "That's about $1,713,635.53 won...." I said and reached into my purse. "Quan what are you" Xiaoyu began before I hushed him by handing him a wad of cash. "This should be enough for her transition surgery" I said. "What but Quan! I....I can't possibly accept this!" Xiaoyu said. "You don't have to accept it. Consider it a gift" I said. "Xiaoyu! There you are! I just got here they said that I'll get a few minutes to convers with you before we head in" I heard Jungkook say as he ran up to us. "Kookie!" I said. "Quan! You made it!" Jungkook said as he hugged me lovingly. "I told you I'd be here" I said. "Do you know Xiaoyu?" He asked. Them I noticed the security guard approaching and so did Xiaoyu. "No not at all" I lied. "OK well he's my lawyer" Jungkook said. "Is that so? Well very nice to meet you Mr. Xiao" I said and bowed. "Xiaoyu this is Jung Quan he's my fiancee" Jungkook said. "Ahhhh this is the handsome and sexy man you told me about! A pleasure to meet you Mr. Quan" Xiaoyu said and bowed to me. "If your sitting in on the trial please return to your seat. Mr. Jung you have five minutes to speak to your Lawyer about the trial then the both of you must report to the courtroom" the security guard said. "Ah yes will do. Bye babe!" I said and kissed Jungkook's cheeks before walking away. "Ugh! Let me through! I'm supposed to be there!" I heard. Guku shout. "WE! Are supposed to be there! I'm a witness!" I heard Sooyoung say. "I'm sorry unless someone can vouch for you it's too late ladies" the front desk man said.

"They are with me!" I said approaching him. "Quan! There you are!" Guku said as she hugged me. "These ladies are with you Mr. Jung?" The desk man asked. "Yes sir they are I have their seat recites right here" I said handing him the proof where I bought their seats. "Very well you may pass forward but all cell phones must be turned off during the hearing" the desk man said. "OK thank you!" Sooyoung said. "Follow me" I said. "Thanks Quan" Guku said. "No problem" I said. "Jung Quan huh?" Sooyoung asked. "Yes I'm still technically Jungkook's fiancee" I said. "You guys didn't break up after he disappeared?" Guku asked. "Nope! We both kinda whore'd around for a bit trying to forget each other but we just couldn't" I said. "Damn.....that's soooo cuteeeeeee!" Sooyoung said. "Haha maybe" I said as we entered the courtroom. "Ugh I hope your testimony helps bae" Guku said. "I hope so too" Sooyoung said. We sat in our seats and talked lowly until court became in session. "The defendent calls Min Sooyoung to the stand" Xiaoyu said. "Good luck!" Guku said lowly. Sooyoung stood up and walked to the stand. "Min Sooyoung do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in this court of law?" Xiaoyu asked. "I do" Sooyoung said. "Ms. Min do you know the defendent Jung Jungkook?" Xiaoyu asked. "Only that he is my fiancè's best friend and that's all" Sooyoung said. "Fiance?" I asked lowly. "Later" Guku said. "Very good please walk us through that night two years ago" Xiaoyu asked. "I was busy at work the defendent called and sais he was bringing his fiance in to meet his parents to prepare a table. He arrived first with his parents and they left their phones at the counter cause we were supposed to have a food critic arriving but after everything that happened he didn't show" Sooyoung said. "Did the defendent seem made or anxious at all?" Xiaoyu asked. "Just annoyed for a little bit" Sooyoung said. "Did you perhaps overhear the conversation?" Xiaoyu asked. "A little bit yes" Sooyoung said. "Can you repeat what you heard?" Xiaoyu asked. "Yes! I heard the defendent come out to his family that he was gay and that's the reason he turned down every girl that his father had him meet. His father was angry upon entering but after the defendent said that I saw his father's face just change. His expression softened and he grabbed the defendant's hand before saying he was sorry" Sooyoung said. "What happened next Ms. Min?" Xiaoyu said. "Next the defendent's mother got up to drive to their home and fetch his father's eyeglasses because he forgot him and his father got up to use the restroom" Sooyoung said. "Did the defendent follow his father?" Xiaoyu asked. "Not for awhile. He waited and told me he was going to check on his father because he had been in the bathroom for a while. He also told me to keep an eye out for his fiance as he should be arriving any minute" Sooyoung said. "Did anyone follow Mr. Jung?" Xiaoyu asked. Sooyoung thought for a moment. "Um yes! Yes! Yes someone did!" She said excited. "Is that person in this courtroom?" Xiaoyu asked. "Um no! I don't see them. Even if I did I couldn't point them out because I only saw his black hoodie that read Underclass in Korean lettering" Sooyoung said and Jungkook's face went wide as he heard that. "Underclass?" He asked. "Yes" Sooyoung said. "Is that familiar to you Jungkook?" Xiaoyu asked. "Yes....." He said. "Who does it remind you of?" Xiaoyu asked. "Of the same jacket that those people wore that day...." Jungkook said. Then my eyes grew wide.

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