Trial run

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"Your my fianceé now" Jungkook said. "What! Why? I'm a guy?!" I said trapped in gayfusion. "Same sex couples aren't really common in South Korea....what does he mean by that?" I thought. "Your a very handsome guy, it's better then marrying some bitch from god knows where!" Jungkook said as he stopped at a red light. "Are you even attracted to men?" I asked. "Honestly? Yeah I am. I've been embarrassed to openly date a guy...I didn't want to disappoint my parents like my brother did but I'm done playing their games. I'm tired of all these woman they thrust upon me. One day my parents brought a girl over to our house and left me alone with her in hopes I'd break, fuck her and get her pregnant forcing a marriage" Jungkook said as the light turned green. "Did you?" I asked. "Hell no! All me and her did was play Overwatch. She's one hell of a sniper. Her and Widowmaker equals OP. I enjoyed my time with her but I like her friendship over anything else. To this day she has remained my best friend. Speaking of her I need to call her" Jungkook said and pulled his phone out. "Your driving let me call her for you and I'll put her on speaker" I said. "Really? Thanks the password is Kookie and cream" Jungkook said.

I blushed at his password. "Is it..." I began. "What you think? Yes it is" Jungkook said. "I can't say shit...mine is Cream Kuuchi" I said. "What's Kuuchi?" Jungkook asked. "It's Japanese for mouth" I said. "Wow! How many languages do you know?" Jungkook said in aww. "Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. I'm learning English" I said. "Cool! You must have been the book worm in school" Jungkook said. "I was but I was called the Prince of Bookworms due to my looks" I said. "By the girls?" Jungkook asked. "Or both?" He continued. "Both" I said. "It's unlocked what's her contact name?" I asked. "It's Songguku" Jungkook said. "That her real name?" I asked. "No it's her online name. Her real name is Song Mi-Ya. Do you have any friends?" He asked. "I didn't get a chance to make friends..." I said as a sad expression formed on my face. "Why not?" Jungkook asked. "I'm your fiancé but I'd rather not say it...less you leave me..." I said lowly. "Why would I leave you? Do you not like men?" Jungkook asked. "No I's my family" I said. "Your family?" Jungkook asked. "I'm a direct descendant of the great Zhou Yun loyal Shu general under the command of Liu Bei" I said. "That suppose to be important? Your Quan not Yun" Jungkook said. I looked at him with a red face and hearts in my eyes. "Oh? You falling for me?" He said breaking my trance. I tapped Songguku and placed it on speaker. "Here she is" I said annoyed to which Jungkook responded with laughter.

"Hello?" A girl's voice echoed from the phone. "Guku" Jungkook said. "Yeah?" Guku responded. "I did it" Jungkook said. Guku went silent for a moment then a proud scream filled the car. "You serious!" She asked. "Yes I am and I'm engaged" Jungkook said to which another scream echoed from the phone's speaker. "Engaged!!!! Oh my goddddd what's his name!?" Guku asked. "I'll let him tell you himself" Jungkook said and winked at me. "Hello I'm Zhou Quan" I said shyly. Guku screamed again and I could hear her jumping up and down. "Hiiiii I'm Song Mi-Ya I'm Jungkook's best friend! Take good care of him!" She said. "I'll do my best!" I said. "Junuuuu I'm so happy for you!!!" Guku said. "I'm very happy too. We are heading to my favorite restaurant if you want you can meet us there and meet him IRL" Jungkook said. "I'm so there see you soon!" Guku said and hung up. "Isn't she high spirited" I said. "Guku? Yeah she's always been like that. One of the many things me and her have in common" Jungkook said. "What else?" I asked. "She's also a lesbian and freed herself from her parents clutches like I just did...except she did it in a way more quiet way" he said. "Unlike your loud and rebellious way?" I said and he laughed. "Yes completely the opposite of how I did it" he said. "What would you have done if I wasn't attracted to men?" I asked. "I would have apologized and went my own way" Jungkook said. "Lucky for you then" I said. "Yes I'm lucky indeed. Look I'm not going to force a marriage on you. That would be rude and inconsiderate. If you don't fall in love with me in the first few months of us being together I'll let you go and not try to stop you from leaving" Jungkook said. "I'm only in Korea for two more months then I head to my next adventure" I said. "Then in two months if you don't fall in love with me I'll cut ties with you and live with Mi-Ya" Jungkook said. "You'd do that?" I asked. "Yeah I mean I'm not going to stop you from being happy" Jungkook said. "No one has ever said that to me..." I said.

"Are your parents similar to mine?" Jungkook asked. "Similar isn't the word I'd use...they wanted to control every part of my life.." I said. "They sound like no offense" Jungkook said. "None taken...they are" I said. "How long has it been since you've seen them?" He asked. "Last I saw them I was 15" I said. "Wow 8 years...I wish I was as brave as you" Jungkook said as he pulled into a restaurant. "Here we are and there is Mi-Ya" he continued pointing at a girl in a black pants suit with short red hair. "Wow! You can tell she isn't straight" I said. "Yep and she wouldn't want it any other way" Jungkook said getting out. "Guku!" He called and the girl turned to him. "Junuu" she said and ran to hug him.

Married to a Stranger [Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now