Im Engaged?

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It started out as a typical day for me. Woke up in the apartment I was renting ,showered, shaved, and began filming. I have millions of followers on my YouTube channel and on my social medias. My Instagram however is the most popular. Before I began filming I took a selfie in the bathroom wearing only a towel around my wait that covered my private areas. My small six pack of abs on display as well as my sexy V line as some of my thirsty fangirls called it. "I'm only this popular because I'm Chinese and from a noble family...." I thought. My family being Zhou with a line that traces all the way back to the Three Kingdoms era. My ancestor was Zhou Yun the loyal general of Liu Bei the Shu Warlord. Called the Little Dragon of Shu. He lead the Shu Army to many victories all in the name of Liu Bei. He was known for his handsome looks and strong heart aswell as his unwavering loyalty to Liu Bei and the Shu Kingdom. I'm proud of my heritage but it's not all fancy kimonos and free choice of women like most people think. Being of noble blood is a double edged sword.

On the upside you get to almost do whatever you want, but the downside is people glare at you with hatred 24/7. You fuck up once and you bring shame to your whole family. My birth brought shame to my family as I was far more then my parents bargained for. At 13 I came out as gay to my very conservative very homophobic family...only to face exile. Alone at 13 I did things that I wasn't proud of. At 16 I commited the biggest crime I could ever do....became a porn star. More specifically a gay pornstar. At 18 I freed myself and started building myself back up. Hadn't finished school since I was exiled so that was one of the first things I did and I filmed the whole thing. That's what began my following and my rise to YouTube stardom. After obtaining my GED that's when my channel became about travel. To celebrate obtaining my GED I traveled to Hawaii for the first time and filmed my adventures. My Shu Knights loved it so much and asked me to do more. That's what began my travel vlogs. Now I do that full time and I enjoy it everyday.

My latest travel is to South Korea. "Face masks have become a part of South Korean society due to the high fine dust count. Kpop idols to top notch actors you'll find wearing a face mask. So before I head out got to put mine on" I said. After I put my mask on I left my studio apartment and began my day. It was peaceful that day but the peace did not last long. As I walked down a street in Busan which is the port city of South Korea. I noticed a couple arguing with who appeared to be their son. I of course began to film their argument. "She's a lovely girl son her father is a lawyer you'll be set for life!" The father said. "I don't care I'm not marrying her!" The son said. "You need a good woman to take care of you when I'm not here!" The mother said. "I'm only 23! I have my whole life ahead of me. I have dreams! I'm not about to forget those and get locked in a marriage I don't want or need!" The son said. "Dreams are for peasants!" The father said. I slowly began to walk towards them and that's when the son noticed me. "I will not marry her cause I'm already engaged to someone else!" The son said. "Your already engaged? To who!?" The father shouted. As I neared the agruing family the son smirked. "Here he comes now" he said and pulled me into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked into my eyes. With a rebellious smile he pulled me closer. "Hey baby there you are I was getting worried!" he said and kissed me deeply.

The kiss sent a spark through my body as I wrapped my arms around his neck. The camera still rolling as he pulled away. He looked at his parents one last time with an annoyed and disgusted expression before he grabbed my hand and we walked away. He held my hand till we reached a black Nissan Maxima. "Get in" he said. "Wait what?" I asked. "No questions just get in I'll explain on the way" the son said as he opened the passenger door for me. Still confused but curious I got in thanking him for holding the door for me. He closed it for me and walked over to the driver's side. I stopped my recording and placed my camera back in it's bag as the son got in. He started the car and soon we were moving. "So um...." I said. "Jungkook" the son said. "Jungkook...mind telling me what that was all about?" I asked. "My parents annoying the fuck out of me and wasting my time over some girl they barely even know" Jungkook said. "What's your name?" He asked me. "Oh! Um...on YouTube I'm called Shu Quan but my real name is Zhou Quan" I said. " that Chinese?" Jungkook asked. "It is" I said. "You speak Korean well for a Chinese boy" Jungkook said. "I'm not a boy! I'm a man! I'm the same age as you!" I said offended. "Sorry sorry. For a Chinese guy you speak really good Korean" Jungkook said. 'That's better" I said. "You said on YouTube your called Shu Quan so your a youtuber?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah I am. I'm a travel vlogger and gamer" I said. "I like video games too! Now let me cut to the chase. Your now my fiancee" Jungkook said. "Wait what!" I said confused.

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