Unexpected Visitor

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"Kookie?" I said weakly as I came too. "QUAN! QUAN!" Jungkook screamed as he was taken away in chains. "KOOKIEEEEEE!" I screamed then jolted awake. I breathed heavily as I looked about me. I was in a hospital room hooked up to a machine and had an IV stuck in my arm. "Just a dream.....where am I?" I said. I felt a hand on my right knee and looked down to see....."kookie...." His cute sleeping face looked drained as if he hadn't slept in 2 days and his hair was all disheveled and tangled like it hadn't been washed in weeks. "Your awake!" I heard Guku say. I looked and saw her enter with a bag from Wendys. "Guku...." I said. "You had us worried!" She said as she sat on my left side. "Where am I? How long have I been here?" I asked. "Your in Seoul international hospital. You fainted at Juno's trial a week ago" Guku said. "A week!" I screamed and stirred Jungkook awake. "Quan?" He said. "I'll leave you two alone" Guku said and left as Jungkook opened his eyes. "Quan!" Jungkook said and hugged me. "I've been so worried!" He said as he began to cry. "Kookie....what are you doing here? What happened at your trial?" I said. "My trail? Oh! I was aquited of all charges due to lack of evidence. Plus Sooyoung's testimony really helped" he said. "Good.....good....I'm glad" I said. "More importantly what happened to you?" He asked me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "When you suddenly fainted I was so worried! When I heard Guku shout your name I didn't even look back I bolted back to you....without caring what happened. Luckily nothing did" Kookie said. "When Sooyoung said Underclass....it just hit me..." I said. "You to?" Kookie asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I about fell out too but Guku screaming your name pumped energy into me and I was able to bolt to your side" Kookie said.

"A memory came back to me...." I said. "A memory?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah....of that night...." I said and told Jungkook what I saw. "My brother? Thought he failed me? He didn't he saved my life....and yours...he's a hero" Jungkook said. "He is...." I said. "You said he was going to make it his life mission to take down the underclass?" Jungkook asked. "That's what he told my parents" I said. "I wonder....if that's why he dissapeared" Jungkook said lowly. "What?" I asked. "I wonder if that's why he dissapeared after that incident. To chase after the Underclass" Jungkook said. "I don't know but maybe" I said. "Ah Mr. Jung your awake!" A doctor said coming in. "Hello" I said. "Hello indeed. You were a death watch for us for the first few days you were brought in. I am pleased to see you alert" the doctor said. "Yes thank you for your care but can I be released please? I'm coherent and don't feel anything wrong" I asked. "Not quite yet we need to run just a few more tests then we can release you" the doctor said. Then my stomach growled. "Ugh...I'm hungry..." I said. "Haha! I kinda figured I'll go grab you something" Jungkook said. "Tacos please" I said. "Soft or hard?" Kookie asked. I motioned him closer. "I only like hard from you" I whispered in his ear. "Soft it is" he said with a blush and left the room. "Good....we can now allow someone else back here longer a woman has been wanting to get back here for 4 days! I'll send her in" the doctor said. "Woman? Probably Sooyoung" I thought. "Quan!? Quan!?" I heard a woman shout. "That voice!" I thought and sure enough in walked...."mom..."

"Quan! Oh my god! Look at you! You've grown up so much! Oh my godddddd!" Mom said as she began to cry. "Mom....what are you doing here?" I asked. "I was the first contact the hospital called when you were brought in. I jumped on a flight that day after asking my husband to buy my ticket" mom said. "How is dad these days?" I asked as mom sat next to me and held my hand. "Don't know and don't care soon after he banished you I left him. Told his father of his first born daughter and watched as his dad took everything from him. Then I packed my bags and went back home" mom said. "Home?" I asked. "To my parents house" mom said. "Did you tell them about me?" I asked. "Of course I did! They didn't like that I didn't take any riches from your father and I left them too. I lived on the streets for a few days when my current husband heard me sing. He was entranced by my voice and invited me to dinner. I was a wreck that night but he called me beautiful. Then I went back with him to his house and took a streaming hot bath for the first time in weeks. Once I stepped out he called me sexy and cute and one thing led to another and. We began to date and live together. When we went on our 3 year anniversary date he asked me to marry him and I said yes. I cut my family from my life and was fully embraced by his family. After I told him about you and what you were he just hugged me and said he'd love to meet you and embrace you as his son. He even helped me find your YouTube channel. Once I saw what you made of yourself I couldn't have been prouder. I was tempted to reach out to you....but I figured that I'd only bring back bad memories so all I did was just watched. You could say I was an avid watcher and subscriber. Once you released the vlog of you landing in South Korea I knew you were close and my heart just tugged at me. It kept telling me to go to you but I resisted....then I received a call from my old phone and answered it. It was this hospital calling me to tell me you were brought in. My husband heard it and saw the tears forming in my eyes. All he did was hand me my suitcase packed and a roll of cash. "Go to him" he said and with that I kissed him and drove to the airport. He sent money to my card so I could buy my ticket and away I flew. I landed almost 5 days ago and came here fresh off the plane. When I arrived I was told I couldn't go back and see you because your fiancee was back here. Who is he? I want to meet him" mom said. "Quan?" I heard Jungkook call. "That's him" I said.

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