True past

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"Quan?" I heard Jungkook call. I looked at my mother and smiled. "That's him" I said. Then he entered the room. "I didn't know what you wanted so I just got the party pack" He said then he saw my mom. "Oh....I didn't know you had a visitor....hi I'm Jung Jungkook I'm Quan's fiancee" he continued and stuck out his hand to which my mother shook. "I know who you are haha. It's so nice to meet the boy who is making my son happy" mom said. "Your son? Your his mom!?" Jungkook said shocked. "Yes she is babe meet my mother Sun Xiaomi" I said. "I was previously Zhou Xiaomi when I was married to Quan's father. Sun is my new married name. It's funny. I go from being married to a Zhou from the old kingdom of Shu to being married to a Sun from the old kingdom of Wu haha" mom laughed. "I wonder if your third husband will be a Cao haha" I laughed. "The whore of the three kingdoms haha but I have no plans on leaving my current husband. He's told me that he'll never let me go unless he catches himself acting like Dao" mom said. "Dao?" Jungkook asked. "That's my father's name" I said. "Zhou Dao the third oldest of the Zhou family of China. He was so sweet when we dated....he didn't care I was from a poor family he loved me....atleast I thought he did" mom said.

"Once upon a time he did" I said. "Yes he did....but that time was brief....we fought constantly behind close doors that we hid from you" mom said. "Not very well. He told me about an argument you had with his father while driving to South Korea" Jungkook said. "You heard that?" Mom asked. "Yes I did" I said. "So you know..." Mom said. "About my older siblings? Yes....and about Da..." I said. "Da is your half-sister from a one night stand your father had before we got together. She should be 28 by now. I tried to find her myself but I didn't have any luck" mom said. "What about my other siblings?" I asked. "Your older brother Ping....." Mom said as she began to tear up. "Died last year in a drive-by shooting..." She finished. "My sister?" I asked. "She's living happily with her wife and two kids. Although your father forbid me to have any contact with them. They are still my babies and I kept up with them. They all know of you" mom said. "Even my younger sister?" I asked to which mom responded with a shocked face. "How did you know you had a younger sister?" She asked. I just laughed and pointed at her phone case which showed a picture of a little girl. "Yes...that's her" mom said. "What's her name? How old is she?" I asked. "Her name is Sun Yai and she's 4 year's old now. She's so sweet and smart like her dad but she has the talent to sing like I do. Have you tried to sing Quan?" Mom asked me. "No I haven't but Jungkook is a really good singer" I said remembering when he sung to me while we drove through town.

Mom looked at Jungkook in surprise. "You can sing?" She asked. "Yes ma'am I actually use to be a K-pop trainee before my father forced me to drop it to run the family business. I still love to sing and dance but I've given up being a singer" Jungkook said to my surprise. "You never told me that!" I said shocked. "Well we never had the time to get to know each other" Jungkook said. "True" I said. "Wait! You two hardly know each other and are engaged to be married?" mom asked shocked. "Yes we are allow me to explain" I said and began telling the story of how we met. "I told him if he didn't fall in love with me I'd let him go and continue on with my life" Jungkook said. "Then everything happened and he ended up arrested only two days after we met. His father was killed by the gang called Underclass" I said. "Underclass?!" my mother shouted in shock and anger. "Yes Mrs. Sun the same gang that attempted to gang rape Quan and me" Jungkook said. "Those basterds?!" mom said in anger. "Yes....they framed Jungkook for it and he fled to Seoul for 2 years. You'd think I'd take that as a sign and move on but something kept me here and well I stayed and bought a house. I kept working on my YouTube channel then while watching a K-drama" I began then trailed off as I talk about Jungkook's case. "Then since there was not enough evidence I was acquitted of all charges and free to care for Quan" Jungkook said finishing the story. "Well then your story is a K-drama in itself haha" mom laughed. "It kinda is but the type Korea would never make since gay is still somewhat taboo" I said. "I knew you'd be gay since you were 2 your father however wanted to deny it. We fought constantly about it behind closed doors. His....obsession with having an hair to his family's name drove him insane.....but you see, gay, lesbian, bi all these run in my family. The family of Diao" mom said. "Diao! As in Diao Chan!" I said in shock. "The very woman yes. My ancestor is Diao Chan songtress of the three kingdoms, spy and assassin" mom said. "I'm a descendent of Diao Chan and Lu Bu?" I said surprised. "Well just Diao Chan the stories of her and Lu Bu are false. She loved him yes but his obsession with power drove her away. He attempted to kill her several times but she'd always allude him and disappear. She met a man in Cheng Du and his talent with instruments made her heart sing. They ended up getting married and she became Xu Chan. Soon after her marriage the news spread about Lu Bu's death and she told her husband everything. He applauded her for her courage and strength and soon they had a child. This child would become a famous performer in Cheng Du and soon preformed for the emperor the princess took a likening to Diao Chan's son and the two were wed at 17. They had children two boys and 3 girls. The girls stuck together and formed a traveling trio of performers. The brothers however were complete opposites. The youngest was power hungry and evil and the oldest was like his father, handsome, charming and kind. They faught on a battlefield with loyal soldiers and it was the shortest war ever in Chinese history. The sisters joined on the eldest side but on the youngest side was Lu Lingqui Lu Bu's daughter. The battle was brutal it took the combined might of his older siblings to put a stop to his futile war their father Diao Chan's son was angry with his son's rage and instead of killing him for inspiring to over throw his parents and begin a rule of terror he simply spoke to his son one on one to see why he inspired to do so. After their talk he understood and they lived on happy as can be" mom said. "Wait! We are descended from royalty?" I asked. "Yes we are but our claim to the throne was gone after your great great grandfather's death 3 hundred years ago. He was executed for tyranny and the current emperor's family took over" mom said. "Wow....." I said.

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