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Suddenly my mind went blank and I fell out my seat into the walkway. "Quan!" I heard Guku scream before Jungkook rushed to me. "Quan?! QUAN!" he screamed then I blacked out. Suddenly I was in my childhood bedroom. It's walls decorated with samurai swords to spears and the banner of Shu hanging proudly over my green Queen size bed. My mother walked in with a smile on her face. "Time to wake up Yun. We need to get ready" she said opening my curtains. "Are we going to South Korea today?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. "Yes we are now get in the shower" she said. "OK mommy" I said. "Your so handsome...I can't wait to see how you grow up. You'll be the shining star of our family" she said as she kissed my forehead. "I'll never dissapoint you" I said. "No matter what you do Yun you'll never dissapoint me. I love you unconditionally" Mom said then I got up and walked into my bathroom as my mother packed my suitcase for me. My bathroom was beautifully decorated. It had blue tiled walls and white marble flooring. The sink was green with a gold facet and handles. My shower was a marble walk in shower with a bench and gold hardware.

I loved my shower and I walked right in closing the glass door behind me. I washed up and got out. I brushed my long black hair and my mom put in in a low ponytail. "Just like your ancestor....you are so handsome" she said. "Hehe yay!" I said. "There he is!" My dad said coming into my room. "Daddy!" I said and hugged him as he picked me up. "You look so dandy. Just like your father haha!" Dad said. He then placed me back down. "You'll make an excellent heir to the Zhou family. We need to be careful when we find you your future wife" dad said. "Or husband" mom said. "Haha!" My dad laughed but I saw the glare he gave my mother. Later on as we drove to South Korea I fell asleep in the car but I heard everything. "Watch your mouth woman! Don't ever say that around him again!" My father said. "Are we his parents or not! We must prepare for any outcome!" Mom shot back. "No child of mine will be gay! It's tradition!" Father said.

"Is that why you exiled our daughter? Yun doesn't even remember her! What of Ping huh? Your oldest! My first born child! You barely speak to him because he said he liked both genders! Your tradition is destroying our family!" Mom said then I heard a slap. "Shut up woman don't question me! Or else I'll replace you and send you back to your poor family!" My dad said. "What of Yun then huh?" Mom said. "He's still young he can easily forget you pathetic harlot!" Dad said. "Don't you ever call me that again! Or else I'll tell your father about your other child you had before  Ping!" Mom said. "You wouldn't!" Dad said. "Try me Huang! How's that bitch doing? Oh that's right you completely ignore her and your daughter!" Mom said. "Bitch!" Dad said. "Asshole!" Mom said then they went silent the rest of the drive till I woke up. In front of me they pretended to love each other and never fought. Behind closed doors however it was entirely different. Then that day happened and it changed my life forever. I still remember it so clearly....we were in Busan and stopped at a BBQ restaurant.

"This is close to the building so let's eat here before I head out to the meeting" dad said. "Oooo it smells so good!" I said. "It truely does" mom said. "Well come on!" Dad said as he picked me up and held mom's hand. Once we sat down and ordered dad's phone rang. "It's the meeting I'm going to step outside for a second OK?" He said. "OK" mom said. "I'm gong to go to the bathroom so you stay right here ok?" Mom told me. "Yes mommy!" I said. "You want some candy?" A man said from behind me in Korean. I turned around and there he sat with his friends. "Candy?" I asked. "Yes candy I have some if you want it" he said. "Yes!" I said. "Well come on don't worry one of my friends will tell your mom where you are" he said getting up. Feeling satisfied with what he said I stood up too. He stuck his hand out and I held it then he walked me outside. My dad was nowhere to be seen and our car was gone. "Where's your dad?" The man asked me. "I don't know...." I said. "Well let's get you that candy then I'll help you find him" the man said. "Ok thank you!" I said. The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital with my mom crying over me but I never forgot that man's face or what he wore. A leather Jacket that read Underclass in Korean. "Mommy?" I said weakly. "Yun!" Mom said and held me. "Yun! Oh my god!" she continued as she cried. "Right here sir" a nurse said. "Yun! Chia what happened?" Dad said as he raced in. "I don't know! I went to the bathroom for a second and came out to find him gone" mom said. "I can answer that Ms" a young Korean man said coming into my room. "Who are you?" My dad asked. "I'm Jung Junko I was the one that drove him here" the young man said. "What happened?" Mom asked. "He was the victim of a beating and attempted gang rape as was my little brother....I failed him....but I couldn't just sit there and do nothing" Junko said. "Who did this?" My dad asked. A notorious underground gang called the Underclass. They go after rich families to cause them pain by any means necessary" Junko said. "Including attacking their children...." Mom said. "Unfortunately yes..." Junko said. "The basterds!" My dad said. "Yes....I'm making it my goal to eradicate them....they hurt my little brother....I don't know if he will make it....atleast he's coming through ok...." Junko said. "Thank you so much!" Mom said. "No need I'm just glad I got to the both of them in time" Junko said. "Quan! Come on! Wake up! Please!" I heard Jungkook say and felt a tear hit my face. "Kookie?" I said weakly.

Married to a Stranger [Jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now