Chapter 2- The Frightening Truth

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Diana plopped down in the desk chair and started to search 'mysterious loom,' Sofie looked over her shoulder,
"Mysterious loom? Really? W-" She was cut off when a stack of books from the desk shelf toppled onto her. Diana laughed, and kept searching while Sofie tried to unbury herself from the books.
"Hmmm," Diana mumbled, "not a chicken loom. Really? A garden loom?" She kept looking, though none seemed to be the right thing. Sofie glanced at the loom, then at a book, which had fallen open. Sofie's face brightened.
"I think I know what the loom is! The Loom of Fate! It looks exactly like the picture in this Greek mythology book! It's all shimmery and stuff!" Sofie looked excited.
"The Loom of Fate?" she scoffed, "that's just a myth! It can't be real! Well, actually it could, we've encountered many strange things together."
Sofie frowned, "it's kinda weird if you think about it, each person is basically just a string on loom, and if a string is cut, destiny will be messed up." Her gaze shifted to the loom, "please tell me that's not the real Loom of Fate!"
Diana walked up to the loom and poked it, immediately they heard a random crash downstairs. "That wasn't a coincidence, this is the real Loom of Fate all right. Why didn't you want it to be?"
"Diana, because it's frayed," Sofie stammered trembling. Diana frowned and made a hmph noise.
"Well," she replied, "I guess you could say our destinies just got a little woven.
I hope you liked it, nice how I ended it with a pun, right? Anyway, go to alligator333 's odd chaptered book and read the next chapter! Hooray!

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