Chapter 12- The Phone Call

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         Ring ring. Diana looked at her phone, "It's my dad, give me a second. I can ask him if I can go too." She answered her phone. Sofie kicked her foot nervously, trying to hear what Diana's dad sounded like since she's never met him. Though all she heard sounded like vibrations, but Diana suddenly held the phone away from her ear, and Sofie heard a guy with a British accent yelling about something that sounded like he was calling Rufus. "Sheesh, calm down." Diana laughed and said, "I can still take care of him." She hung up. "Sorry, he was a bit...angry. But he'll let me come with you! Though I'll probably have to meet you there. Lucille said hi."
         "Lucille? Well, maybe my dad will let you ride with me! I'll go ask!" Sofie ran off. Diana just stood there awkwardly. Sofie ran up to here dad, "dad! Diana is also going to that boarding school! Can we drive her there?" Sofie made a puppy face.
          Her dad looked thoughtful, then said, "No, either she meets you there, or her mother or father drives you and her." He crossed his arms defiantly.
           "What?! Why?! Why are you SO difficult?!" Sofie glared at her dad. He glared back.
            He ended the conversation with, "and that's final!" Sofie sighed, and walked back to Diana.
             "What'd he say?" Diana asked. Sofie groaned.
             "He said either I have to meet you there or I have to come with you." Sofie punched her fist in the air angrily.
              "Calm down. It could work, I just have to ask my dad, though if we did bring you, we would have to pick you up. Not many people have been to my house. It's kind of...big? I'm not kidding. By the way, I'm sure you'll be able to control your powers. Though I don't know how I'll explain if I end up burning my plants, but hey, at least we'll be together." They smiled, hoping things would be okay.
Well, that chapter was at least longer than some of my others. Anyway, I hope if you're reading this, you like it! 😉 Remember to continue reading this book on alligator333  's book! (Once it's up😉)

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