Chapter 24- The Late Arrival

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"Hey, would you mind cleaning the bathroom? I know it's my turn, but it would be much easier for you two!" Rani exclaimed.

Diana did a face-palm, "we aren't your slaves! You know, maybe I'll just take over the world to rub it in your face! Then I could make you do everything!" Diana growled, then said thoughtfully, "well, I could just do that anyway."

Sofie looked at Diana, "Oh come on! Be nice!"

"Nice? Ha! I'm not nice!" Diana scoffed, "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! No I'm kidding. I am nice!"

"Oh good! I thought you went insane!" Sofie laughed.

"Ha! All the power I have, even if I had more, it could never drive me insane. I'm calm and collected. Most of the time," Diana smiled.

"Well that's nice, but pleeeeease can you clean the bathroom?" Rani begged.

"How 'bout no?" Sofie spat.

"But-" Rani began.

"No!" Sofie and Diana yelled in unison.

"Not happening!" Diana said, crossing her arms defiantly.

"No way!" Sofie said, stomping her foot.

"Fine, I won't make you do it if you tell me who you like!" Rani smirked.

"What?! No way!" Sofie yelled, blushing.

"I guess you have to clean the bathroom!" Rani laughed evilly.

"Actually, why don't we see who can win an arm wrestle?" Diana rushed.

"That's a good idea!" Rani exclaimed, "I was the arm wrestle champion back in my day."

"Yeah, in your day," Diana rolled her eyes, "well I could beat my dad, though strength isn't his strong suit. It's magi- um hmchm, I mean mental strength more than physical."

"So then that will determine it?" Sofie asked.

"Yeah! Prepare to clean the bathroom!" Rani taunted. "Best out of five!"

Diana sat across from Rani at the table, Sofie said, "Ready, set go!" Immediately Diana won. She won every single round.

"How? What? Bu-bu-but?" Rani stammered.

"You were actually quite weak," Diana said to Rani.

"Have fun cleaning the bathroom!" Sofie declared.

"Fine!" Rani glared, then sauntered away to go clean the bathroom, which was rusty and infested with cockroaches.

"That was awesome!" Sofie exclaimed.

"I know! I just hope my dad gets here soon. I don't know how much more of this I can take!" Diana sighed.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon!" Sofie said unconvincingly.

"Maybe, we should make sure Lucille's aware that my dad's coming," Diana said.

"Right! Let's go!" Sofie exclaimed. They walked to where Lucille was.

"Hi Diana! Hi Sofie! What's up? Lucille asked.

"Soo, we have a plan!" Diana said.

"A plan?" Lucille questioned.

"To escape!" Sofie exclaimed.

Lucille stiffened, "Escape? Why?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Uh oh. The brain washing must work over time!" Sofie whispered to Diana.

"Did she say escape? She meant escap! It's that dessert you hate!" Diana laughed nervously.

"Ohhhhh! That makes sense!" Lucille sighed, relaxing.

"Sooo, random question, how do you unbrainwash someone?" Sofie asked Lucille nonchalantly.

"Odd question, you have to take them to the place their normal self calls home," Lucille answered.

"Okay! See you later!" Diana said, then she and Sofie rushed away. Diana did another face-palm. "Great! That means we have to get her back to my house somehow! Well, actually it's not really a house, more of a castleish thing..." Diana trailed off.
The midnight bell chimed in the clock. Sofie and Diana sat up to a faint noise in the hall.

"It must be my dad!" Diana whispered happily.

"Finally! Though it's kind of late!" Sofie whispered amusedly.

Diana stood up, then looked into the hall. She then hugged a dark figure. She led the figure into the room they were in. "Hi Sofie," the figure said, revealing itself to be Diana's dad. "Let's leave."

"We need to get Lucille and the loom!" Diana mentioned.

"Right! Good thing I brought Rufus!" Her father grinned.

"Rufus?! He's here?" Diana looked overjoyed, then looked out the window in the room they were in. "Rufus!" Diana exclaimed.

"Who's Rufus?" Sofie asked. Diana grinned happily as a griffin flew into the room. "A griffin?!" Sofie looked at the creature in awe. He squawked.

"You're right Rufus! We need to leave!" Diana replied to the griffin.

"You can understand him?" Sofie asked curiously.

"Yes, we're bonded!" Diana smiled.

"That explains a lot about that phone call we had with your dad!" Sofie laughed.
I wanted to put Rufus in it cause he's awesome and adorable! Will they escape? What will happen? Read the next chapter in alligator333 's book once it's up!😄

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