Chapter 32- The hopeful escape

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Sofie limped over to the door. Diana followed close behind. "We have to leave!" Sofie cried.

"To where!?" Diana growled frusteratedly.

"I- I don't know Sofie said quietly.

"Oh no," Diana whispered.

"What?" Samantha asked.

"Sofie, did you see Rani at all?" Diana held her breath.

"No?" Sofie looked confused, "why?"

"They're up to something, I can feel it," Diana gritted her teeth.

"How could I have been so ignorant?! By Jove you're right!" Sofie started to panic.

Diana slid onto the floor, burying her face in her hands. "The loom."

"What did you say?" Sofie leaned closer.

"The loom," she whispered, growing louder, "The loom! The loom, the loom! THE LOOM THE LOOM THE LOOM! THEY'RE AFTER THE LOOM!"

"Well what do we do?" Sofie sighed.

"Well, we shouldn't bury our selves in self pity! We should stop them! Come on! I'll teleport us to them!" Diana stood up with an evil grin.

"Ok?" Samantha said as Diana teleported them there.

"Not. So. Fast." Diana growled at the villains stealing the loom, but it was Mr. Hart and Mr. Loch! "Umm what?"

"Oh Sofie," Mr. Hart kaughed nervously, "Diana," he said flatly glaring at her.

"What's going on?" Sofie screamed.

"It's for your own good!" Mr. Loch yelled.

Diana let out a humerless cackle, "For our own good? Was the time when you were going to kill me for my own good?!" Mr. Loch bit his lip.

"So keeping me away from plants for most of my life was for my own good?!" Sofie shrieked to her father.

"It's too dangerous! You girls wouldn't understand!" Mr. Hart hissed.

"Too dangerous?" Dians raised her eyebrows dissaprovingly. "I've faced much worse."

Mr. Loch sighed in defeated agreement, "She has."

"Together she and Sofie are unbeatable! They can't have the loom! They could abuse it without even knowing!" Mr. Hart whispered to Mr. Loch.

"You're right bro," Mr. Loch agreed looking at the girls as Diana inhaled some random glitter accidentally, and started coughing out spurts of fire.

"They are growing too powerful!" Mr. Hart sighed looking at the girls, plants were attracted to Sofie, and were trying to drag her back to their plant base to suck Sofie into the plant.

"What do we do!" Sofie screamed, flicking away plants.

"I- cough- don't- cough- know-cough," Diana rasped, grasping for air.

The adults looked at the girls, Diana had fainted from not enough air, and Sofie was holding onto a floorboard for dear life as a plant was dragging her towards it.

With all the commotion, no one noticed a shadowy figure steal the loom, then it knocked everyone out, but Sofie's grip did not lessen on the floorboard.

Twist! I FINALLY UPDATED! What will happen? Who is the figure? Find out in the next chapter in @alligator333 's book once it's up!

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