Chapter 10- Fiya Powah

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"Wellllllllllll, since we happen to be in a secret telling mood...there IS something I've kept secret from you. Heheh." Diana smiled sheepishly.
"Really? You say I don't trust you, when YOU kept a secret from me!! DIANA LOCH, WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU!!" Sofie crossed her arms.
"Well, I'm actually only half human, and technically, Loch is sort of more or less not my last name since my mom didn't have one, buuuuuuuuuut, anywho, that's a story for another time." Diana smiled. Sofie looked at her skeptically.
"Wait WHAT?!!!" Sofie looked furious.
Diana laughed, "there's literally smoke pouring out of your ears!" Sofie started to laugh too.
"Sooooo, Diana? What were you going to tell me?" Sofie looked curious.
"Right, I was curs- oops wrong story, sooo actually the school exploding was probably my fault." Sofie looked shocked and confused. "Well I found out that the loom can also mess with us, and on the bus, I could feel it messing with destiny. Then I had a sudden flashback of when my step-brother died. I kinda got angry since it was my fault, and I felt a spark inside. Then I realized I accidentally lit the school on fire."
"But how? You couldn't possibly explode the whole school! Could you?" Sofie tilted her head.
"I guess I can, considering I DID. Bud anyway, I have firepower of you know what I mean," Diana held up her hand and lit a small flame. "It's kind of unfortunate though, fire is mostly uncontrollable," she smiled, "but I guess we both have secrets that we can share in the future, like the stories I almost told you, and didn't want to break our friendship with. Nature Girl." They smiled and started to laugh.
Aww, the chapter had a nice ending.

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