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Chapter two

It's just us now...

It's just us now

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(Yuna's POV)

Silence. It was too silent.

I held Haru and Kaito tightly against myself, we were pushed against the furthest and darkest corner of this small decrepit house, the only source of light was the moonlight streaming through random holes in the decaying walls.

Fumi nii-sama left a while ago after hurriedly evacuating us to this place a few miles away from the compound, he told us to stay here and that he would come back to get us once they'd eliminated the strange man. But that was little over an hour now, however, I would not go against my brother's word. I felt Haru and Kaito shivering, so I held onto my two youngest brothers tighter and hummed the tune to a lullaby our mother would sing to us often, I continued to hum, even after their shivering came to cease.

For a moment, I looked up.

Through the holes of the walls, I could see the snow continue to fall.

'We would wait, and hopefully Fumihito comes to get us soon'.


3 hours earlier

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3 hours earlier...

(Third POV)

The now bloodied intruder stood before the head family of the Yukimura clan. Yukimura Daisuke effortlessly placing himself in front of his family and stared at the man or should we say demon, already knowing exactly who he was. The demon began to speak, "Tell me where the blue spider lily blooms... and I may spare you." A haunting voice it was that spoke to them, the question hung in the air, no one spoke. That simple question sent the whole family to become even more guarded than they already were.

"SPEAK!" once again the strangers voice echoed in the now deadly silent room. His demand left unfollowed. The demon's impatience was obvious and the atmosphere in the room began to become suffocating, an untameable rage spread through the room and shined dangerously in the being's eyes.

A Child of Winter • Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now