• sixteen •

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Chapter sixteen

Welcome back

(A few hours earlier – Yuna's POV)

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(A few hours earlier – Yuna's POV)

During the time we took getting home, the two of us decided to get to know one another better. After all, I needed to know who and what kind of person my new tsuguko is.

What I'd learnt over that time, is that the kid's actually fourteen. I was a bit surprised when he told me – his appearance didn't really scream 'teenager'. Although, I couldn't really say much due to the circumstances of when I found him. He already has a short stature, and it's obvious that his malnourishment had only made it worse.

Apart from that depressing fact, Hiro's definitely a bright kid – mind and personality wise. He'd spent most of the trip cracking awful jokes, but the awfulness is what made them funny.

Over the course of getting to know each other, I realised I made the right choice of choosing him as my successor. His dedication to follow me back at the village, was proof enough.

After a day and half's travel, me and Hiro finally made it back to Tokyo.

Before our arrival, I had already informed him that we would need to go and visit the headquarters first. Kagaya would want a report about my mission; along with the fact that I needed to introduce Hiro as my new student.

It didn't take long to get to the Ubuyashiki estate, and we were soon standing in the large garden reserved for meetings.

Only a few minutes passed before kagaya's daughters – Nichika and Hinaki – lead my childhood friend to the edge of the meeting room, facing the garden in which me and Hiro stood.

As soon as the girls prompted Kagaya to stop moving, they stepped back by a foot, and faced towards where we were situated. I instantly kneeled with my head bowed, as Hiro followed my example.

There was silence for some seconds, before the Corps leader, spoke.

"I take it the mission went successfully. ..." His tone wasn't questioning; he already knew the answer. Yet I decided to humour him, "of course it did. You sent me after all." An airy laugh followed after my statement, and as I lifted my head, I could see an amused smile form on my friend's face.

"You're very full of yourself Yuna dear. But the outcome was expected." He paused briefly; his amused smile changing to a more tender look.

"I'm glad you came back safely."

At his words, I too, let a soft smile form on my features.

However, knowing that we couldn't dawdle on such pleasantries any longer, I went straight into giving my report.

"By the time I had reached the village, only a few of the villagers were left and once night came around, those numbers decreased even further. I tried to save as many as I could – and I managed to do so for some, but unfortunately I still couldn't make it in time to save others."

A Child of Winter • Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now