• nine •

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Chapter nine

We'll see the outcome...

(Back track to somewhere else entirely (The AOT universe!!))

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(Back track to somewhere else entirely (The AOT universe!!))

(Third POV)

A calm breeze gently wafted through the vast sea of grass, of the seemingly endless fields. The odd few trees littered about at the bottoms of small hills, and there were birds soaring through the setting sky. It was a perfect picture... But that perfect picture was all but a guise... as behind that façade, awaited a scene of horror and anguish...

If you weren't fooled with the lovely scenery, then the true image was that of blood and gore. Giant beings. Titans. Wandered these vast fields, feasting on the unfortunate souls that they were able to snag.

A cacophony of screams tore through the endless open space, as uniformed men and women were being grabbed left and right by titans. Many were still vainly fighting the beasts, manoeuvring around them trying to locate and kill them at their napes, their only weakness to death.

A distance away, while death played behind them, two figures were knelt on the ground, facing each other... Though, it wasn't long before one of those figures- a young brown-haired male, slowly stood up from his position, turning to face a large hand that was out-stretching towards them.

In the next moment, the boy had released an angered-determined scream, all the while gearing himself to punch the titan's palm... and once his fist finally met flesh, a short silence overcame them... before the sound of thundering footsteps came from behind them...

It was all so sudden, the two watched as a body of a titan soared over their forms and tackled the titan that was just before them. Following after that, more thunderous footsteps followed and a whole herd of titans could be seen running towards the two titans on the floor; then all collectively pouncing onto them, starting to tear apart the tackled titan.

The boy was quick to carry his companion- a young girl, onto his back, running away from the morbid scene, though they both couldn't keep their eyes off of what was occurring before them and so it seemed other remaining soldiers couldn't also. -The girl on the boys back stuttered out a shocked question, "Why... are they...? They're eating it?" -However, she didn't receive an answer, as like before, the two's attention was quickly drawn to another pair of fast approaching footsteps. A muscled titan, that seemed to be covered in some sort of armour, was hastily approaching them, -along with a small figure who was grappled onto the titan using strange gear that helped the soldiers to fly.

Though before, it could reach the two, the young boy suddenly broke out into a scream, "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Although the armoured titan continued to run, a feeling of electricity travelled through its body. "YOU BASTARDS! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" The boy shouted in finality. -and like before, the cannibalistic titans a ways away from them, ominously turned they're predatory gazes towards the armoured giant, and began to run towards it. The armoured titan staggered to a stop, before abruptly turning its body towards the now advancing hoard, though only to be shocked by the sheer closeness of them all. It wasn't long until the titans had descended on the armoured being and the human hanging on him.

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