• twenty •

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Chapter twenty

We'll meet again...

We'll meet again

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(Yuna's POV)

This bastard... I'll kill him!

I knew I couldn't act carelessly, if I revealed too much, I could be exposing us after seven years of being in hiding.

I looked down at Kyōjurō, he was still unresponsive. Although his eyes were open, he didn't seem to be conscious of what was going on around him.

The only indication of him still being alive were the heavy breaths he was taking. At least he's using total concentration breathing.

Still cradling his body, I heard the demon scream once more. This time, I actually paid him some attention.

"Oi! Don't ignore me! Who are you?!"

Tch- he's getting impatient. I was starting to become irritated.

Deciding that I needed to do something already, I raised my head to meet his gaze. Yet I didn't provide him an answer.

For whatever reason, his eyes seemed to widen when we locked gazes.

Not minding his odd reaction, I continued to stare at him head-on. Although, it didn't seem as though he was looking at me.

He was trembling a bit. But he didn't tear his gaze away. So I held my position firmly.

After a while, he seemed to have come to... and I still hadn't given him an answer.

Finally breaking the momentary silence, the demon seemed more restless this time as he demanded...

"Answer me! WHO ARE YOU?!"

I allowed a moment of silence to pass before I finally gave him an answer.

"I'm your worst fucking nightmare."

(Third POV)

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(Third POV)

A Child of Winter • Kimetsu no YaibaWhere stories live. Discover now