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Joseph put an arm around Kaede's and Marco's shoulders and pulled them into a hug, huddle, "guys, I need your teamwork and coordination. I don't want any dark glares, gritted teeth, or kissing teeth. It's fun to work here, and I want people to read that on your faces. You represent not only the Da Stuff management team, but you're an example of behavior excellence. Attitude and style, you are this the brand's window. I'm counting on you. These people want to dream. Let's give them that contemporary urban glamour-chic oasis. Our job is to make their mirage a reality."

Joseph was good at pep talk. The man was a natural-born businessman. This observation implied he was also the Great Gatsby type of swindler, which had you believe there was a lot of gold at the end of every rainbow and in each of his guest's wallets.

At the entrance, Dominque looked like a lost lamb; the man expected anything other than what he saw. The little get together he imagined was not a thumbnail close to what stood before himㅡ a queue almost as long as one for Disney's Space Mountain. Luckily for Dominque, Lorenzo recognized him and told the security guards hired for the event to let him inside.

"Wow, this is crazy. I mean, it's just a shop, not Watch the Throne concert."

"Tell me about it, babes. I have done a lot of these, but this time it's wild," Lorenzo said as she accompanied Dominque through the crowd.

Travis scout's voice hammered with the Highest Room before giving way to Goldlink. Dominque recognized customers who he crossed during the week and former footballer friends as the subsequent encounter proved.

"Dom, is that you?"

"In the flesh."

The men gave each other handshakes and shoulder hugs while Lorenzo despaired of finding her friend.

"Shit, man, where did you go," Corentin said before calling other players both from premier and second league, "yo, look who's here."

Dominque embarrassed, smiled, and mentally bashed himself for not having foreseen such a scene.

"Hey man, what have you been up to?" Thomas asked.

A strong urge to say, "well, after my Ex chose her career over our future and child, which she aborted without consulting me. I joined the GIGN four years only to get kicked out after discovering that I need an urgent transplant or I'm going to die, which is two times nothing. Apart from that, everything is fine, so what's popping?"

Dominque spun his tongue and answered, "nothing much. I traveled, and you?"

From then on, the record played by itself as his friends bragged about their life and career. Dominque grabbed a glass of orange juice on the passing trays, drank, and listened while he searched for an escape route.

And suddenly, there she was. It was one of those moments where minds went blank.

"Damn, pink chocolate lollipop," Corentin said.

"You better keep that to yourself, " Marco's voice said from behind them.

"Wow, Marco, you scared the shit out of me. Stop creeping up on us like some fiend. I was saying your colleague is one hot vixen."

"Yeah, well, don't touch."

"Marco, why are you always so defensive when it comes to this chick?" Thomas asked.

It wasn't the first time the football players remarked Kaede, nor was it the first time Marco told them to back off.

"Dude, have the decency to tell us you want her for yourself."

Dominque lent an ear and waited for Marco's answer as he, too, needed some confirmations.

"Kaede is a good girl; you guys can have all the chicks you want. Don't play her."

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