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There was nothing more despair inducing than having to pee when you're comfortable in bed at 3 am.

Nagito winced as he curled up in his bed trying to hold it in. He drank too much water in the middle of the night which he knew, from experience, was a stupid idea considering he was lazy and had a bunk bed. Having a bunk bed required him to go down a whole ladder and walk all the way to the bathroom just to release the urine in his bladder.

He was dreading the moment he would have to wake up. In a few hours, he would be starting his senior year at Hope's Peak Academy. The thought of him returning to school was exciting at first because it meant the end of a terrible summer, but when he really thought about it, he regretted even thinking about coming back.

Hope's Peak Academy itself wasn't a terrible school. Well, the reputation was, but he didn't mind the school itself. It was the people attending that drove him crazy. The pointless drama, the people who try to pry into everyone's business, his lack of motivation to even attend classes in general, the fights.

Well, the fights were pretty entertaining and hilarious when you look back at the videos posted on the students' Snapchat stories.

However, he wasn't looking forward to it because of everything else. The people he grew to know personally were pretty cool, but he knew he could only count on his best friends. Knowing himself, he would just end up skipping class with Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Kazuichi Souda, but that was to be expected.

After a few minutes which felt like a never ending eternity, Nagito fell into a deep sleep despite the loud sirens due to another incident occurring in his chaotic neighborhood.

And his overwhelming desire to urinate.


The dreadful Radar ringtone of his phone alarm woke him up instantly and Nagito shut it off quickly as he woke up that September morning at 7 am. His bladder felt like it was going to explode.

He got up, peed (and obviously washed his hands) and got ready for the day as quickly as he could until he left the apartment and walked out to wait for the bus to arrive.

The bus stop was in front of a convenience store, so he saw his reflection on the glass and managed to see his messy, wavy white hair that could probably be spotted from a mile away. On the first day of school they weren't expected to wear their uniforms, so he had on his favorite white t-shirt with a green jacket on top and black pants with his chain.

Nagito walked in the bus when it picked him and a couple people up, he swiped his card and proceeded to head to his preferred seat all the way in the back. As the bus continued he started examining other students in the bus. There were many people he knew and even hung out with before. He smiled at those people he knew as a way of saying hi, like the girl with colorful hair known as Ibuki Mioda yelling at the top of her lungs at her friends, and the tall and bulky strong looking Nekomaru Nidai who didn't appear to be a high school student. Nagito noticed a boy almost behind Nekomaru with an ahoge sticking out although he couldn't really see who it was considering the bus became more and more crowded as it stopped for more people.

The morning started off as a blur, from arriving to Hope's Peak, scanning in, going through metal detectors and walking to the cafeteria where all the seniors were. The white haired boy sat to the least crowded area he could find to wait for his friends and pulled out his phone scrolling through nonsense on Instagram.

"Hey, you bastard."

Nagito looked up to see his 5'1 friend, Fuyuhiko, sit down in front of him, who tried to hide the fact that he was very excited for the new school year. Now that they were seniors, it automatically made them like royalty in Hope's Peak Academy. Fuyuhiko was especially happy too because it made him feel much older. He hated being treated like a child.

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