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Excessive drinking is commonly blamed as the reason for many impulsive actions. Countless stories about drunken mistakes spread like a virus around school grounds and online.

Hajime hasn't done anything bad enough to be considering a drinking "horror story," except the time he accidentally fell asleep on Nagito's shoulder, but that was just embarrassing to look back at. It did make him bolder than he expected to be on that very night. A fully sober Hajime would never ask Nagito to sleep over at his place after all those intrusive thoughts.

The music in the background played as they continued with their effortless conversation. Nagito enjoyed being there in the moment. He didn't like to be in the middle of noisy shenanigans. The music was enchanting, plus the mild drunken state made him feel like he was out of the city and it was only him and Hajime left in this world. The absence of all that chaos gave him a sense of freedom.

He turned on his side to face Hajime.

"Chiaki has great music taste. This playlist does not cease to amaze me," Nagito declared as his face displayed a bright smile.

"I'm not sure why I haven't heard it sooner, I guess I've been putting it off for a while now." Hajime still felt the effects of the pineapple-flavored vodka, somehow finding himself wanting more. "Let's, uh, finish the bottle. It's pretty fun, especially when we're someplace safer than the streets. I'm surprised we haven't gotten jumped before."

"Ah, yes Hajime. I'm sorry it seemed I haven't put importance on your safety." Nagito sat up with apologetic eyes. "I hope you know that I prioritize your safety over mine."

"Yeah yeah, I know that. You should take care of yourself too, though. Now, where is it?"

Hajime stood up from his bed next to the wall and walked around his room to look for the bottle. Once he found it by his door, he came back to sit next to Nagito. He realized as he was sitting back down, however, that abruptly getting up caused the tipsy feeling to grow in intensity. But he already got the bottle, so it was time to finish it.

"I wouldn't know, is this enough to get more drunk off?"

Nagito briefly looked at how full it was and came to a conclusion. "The bottle we got is a decent size. It's enough, even for me regardless of my higher tolerance."

"Then let's down this shit."

Upon seeing Hajime so pumped up, Nagito giggled. It was like he let go of whatever burdens he seemed to be carrying. It appeared as though all he was focused on was having fun.

They continued drinking and even Nagito was in no place to deny that things began getting a bit fuzzier.
Also, he couldn't deny that his mind was full of Hajime. He looked at the handsome boy in front of him, and couldn't help but daydream a little.

"Okay, scratch my previous statement. I can't finish this." Hajime plopped down on the bed with closed eyes. He could feel a slight spinning sensation. Like he could get in a rollercoaster by simply closing his eyes.

Is this why Nagito likes drinking so much?

"I'll stop too, then. We'll save it for another time."

"Gosh, I'm so weak." After his minor complaint, Hajime grew curious again. "What's your weakness?"

Nagito gave him a questioning look, unsure of what he meant. If anything, Hajime would be his weakness. If someone were to threaten his safety, Nagito would go berserk.

But of course, he was terrified of Hajime finding out about the feelings he just grew aware of. If he could avoid it, he would. Unless he felt the same way, but that also made Nagito feel like he was being selfish.

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