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The air smelled clean. Almost too clean. The sounds of squeaky sneakers against sheet tile flooring were faint but still audible. It was enough to pull Nagito out of his sleep.

His eyes opened slowly, still not fully aware, but his senses were already telling him about his whereabouts.


Nagito sat up and looked towards the sound. By the door; he saw a young woman look at him straight in the eyes before she started calling for someone. She must've been there for a while, there was a magazine placed on a chair in front of an open sliding door.

He was on a hospital bed, that much was obvious. Nagito then saw a nurse who introduced herself to him, though he was barely listening. She told him that if he was fine, she needed to lead him to a different floor. Knowing where this was going but without any other options, he assured the nurse he was okay with that. After about half an hour passed before he stood up and followed her out of the room and into the elevator. It took them to the ninth floor, and she checked him in. Nagito was sure she must've explained to him where he was going, but he must've been too distracted to realize.

There was no fooling him, however. He's seen that entrance before. Nagito's first time seeing a nurse scan in with both a key and an ID card into what looked like a high-security prison was plenty of years ago. But someone wouldn't forget an experience such as the one he had back then.

He took a moment to check his surroundings once they walked down a hallway and he was led to a bedroom. It was plain with white walls and two twin beds against one of them. On the wall opposite to the beds was a small wooden closet. Nagito saw a radiator on the other remaining wall farther than him, with a big window to show a view of a park.

Since the first time he's been there, he always hated that window. It was almost taunting that you could be locked inside a place like that and have the view of people enjoying their time outdoors without a care in the world.

Before Nagito looked around the room, the nurse explained that one of the psychiatrists there will have a word with him. Sure enough, she was there, walking in the room as Nagito kept looking out the window.

"Good afternoon, Nagito. I'm Dr. Nakamura and I'm here to help you during your stay," she said in an enthusiastic voice as she smiled at Nagito. "I have your old file here, but I have to ask some questions before we can continue. I hope you don't mind?"

Of course they would still have my information.

Nagito complied politely, making sure to not give answers that would only lengthen his stay. He had to get out as soon as possible. There was no way he was going to stay and leave Hajime alone. He had to fix everything Junko has tried to break. He wasn't going to allow whatever plans she plotted to come to full fruition.

Since the second he woke up, his brain was filling him with images of the brunet. He tried pushing those images away to concentrate on what the doctor was saying. She continued asking him questions, such as whether or not he was feeling hungover, to which he answered by saying no.

"That's great! If you do at any point, be sure to let the nurses know. They'll help you out with anything you need."

He nodded, wanting to get this over with.

"I believe you suffered from a psychotic break last night. It says here you were diagnosed with psychosis when you were last here. Though you're currently 18, I'd like to keep you here with the other teenagers. I doubt you'll feel any more comfortable with grown adult peers, or am I wrong?"

Nagito shook his head in response.

"Tell me about the girl from last night. She didn't press charges, which was very lucky of you. Personally, I'm interested in why that happened in the first place. I don't think you would do that if you were completely sober, so help me understand."

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