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Anticipation can make someone go crazy.

That's what was happening with Nagito. As much as he was excited to take Hajime to a nice place, he began worrying when he was getting ready. What made him go crazy was that things were going good. Almost too good.

Many circumstances in his life made him worry that he was cursed with terrible luck. He wasn't too concerned about himself, but he's spent so much time worrying about the safety of his friends. Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi appeared to be immune to it, but he wasn't sure if Hajime was. After all, they've only really been friends for a little more than two months.

"You have your card for the train right? Or do you want me to swipe you in?"

They've arrived at the empty subway station and walked to the turnstile before Nagito was aware of it.

"I don't need it. Give me a second and I'll open the exit door for you so you don't have to pay." Nagito put on his blazer so it wouldn't land on the dirty floor and put his hands on each side of the turnstile to jump over it. Just as he was about to take the leap, he felt Hajime restrain him by hugging him from behind.

"No! What are you doing?!" Hajime's arms were wrapped firmly around Nagito's chest, not letting go.

"I'm going to hop the turnstile. It's okay, Hajime, I always do it when I take the train."

"No, stop. I want to keep you from getting in trouble as much as possible. Except drinking because you like it a lot. There's probably an undercover cop somewhere around here waiting for someone to do the exact same thing you're about to do. If cops are there, and they don't hear the beep from the swipe and they see us, they'll fine us." Hajime feared Nagito could feel his rapid heartbeat on his back, but he also didn't want to free him just yet. "I'll stay like this until I know that you'll let me pay."

"Hajime, you're so cute for holding someone captive with a hug." Nagito's cheeks became rosy, because while many of his comments sounded sarcastic due to the tone of his voice, he was being 100 percent honest. Hajime is indeed very cute to him. "But okay, I'll make a deal with you. Hear me out."

"What is it?" Hajime asked, the compliment affecting him more than it should.

"I'll only let you pay if you swipe at the full height turnstile over there. We can both squeeze in and get inside with just one turn. That idea might seem disgusting to you though, since it would force you to be pressed up against me even more."

"I'm literally pressed up against you right now. But.. I guess we got a deal." He let go of Nagito's torso, instantly feeling chilly after even though Nagito wasn't very warm.

You're getting on my nerves, inner Hajime. Quit thinking like that.

They both walked to the full height turnstile and squeezed close to each other. They were so close, if anyone were to pass by they'd do a double take. But Nagito didn't mind, especially if it saved Hajime an extra swipe.

The only "weird" thing was that instead of one of them being behind the other, their chests were almost pressing against each other. That would make turning more difficult.

I guess Hajime has never done this. I won't say anything to avoid embarrassing him.

Hajime stuck his arm out and swiped, and once they heard a beep to indicate that the card worked, they began taking steps to turn.

To Be Loved ♡ KomahinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora