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Satan himself must've created hangovers.

Drinking would be so much more fun if you didn't have to worry about the intense pain and heightened sensitivity to light and sound you'd experience the morning after.

Hajime Hinata slowly opened his eyes to realize he did not wake up in his bed. Certainly he recognizes the room, but he'd be more relaxed if he was able to ignore the overwhelming throbbing going on in his head.

He slowly sat up and winced as the throbbing got worse. He managed to hear the sounds of some video game Chiaki was most definitely playing in the living room, and humming which sounded like it came from Sonia.

After a few long minutes of lying down and trying to find a comfortable spot, he stood and began to prepare himself to head down. It was then when Hajime remembered the events that took place last night.

He made a new friend by the name of Nagito Komaeda.

Hajime smiled at the thought of it. If he was being honest, he was always intrigued by the white haired student. He's seen him in pictures whenever Sonia posted about her adventures with her other friends and felt like he's seen him before. He just never accepted Sonia's invitations to come hang out with all of them. Neither did Chiaki.

He wouldn't consider himself a loner, but at first he wasn't really interested in making any more friends than he already had. If he was already content with what he had, what's the point of complicating it by asking life for more?

He did however become interested in talking to the infamous boy when Sonia mentioned they lived close to each other. He never had a friend that lived close to him and Nagito seemed like a decent enough guy. Many of the people that went to the party last night did, and even though there are many colorful and interesting characters around, this one seemed different.

Yes, Hajime has heard about the rumors involving Nagito, but he wasn't going to judge him off the words spoken by other people. He wanted to hear his side of the story before determining what kind of person he was.

Nagito doesn't seem like the type of person to talk about his entire life story right from the get go however. If they're meant to be friends, then perhaps in that way he could support him.

As Hajime walked down the stairs with his phone in his hand, he pushed away the thoughts to find Chiaki playing a game he did not recognize. He spotted Sonia in the kitchen making breakfast for the three of them.

The house looked clean even after the party last night. He wondered what happened with the rest of the students that came over.


The bus ride home was unusually peaceful. He knew the peace would probably end as soon as he walked through the doors of his apartment, but he wanted to savor the quiet while he could. Also, he was slowly recovering from his hangover so that was one thing to look forward to.

One of the only reasons he wanted to get home though was to finally text Nagito. He remembered their number exchange and immediately grew excited to talk to his new friend.

Hajime couldn't lie though. He was terribly embarrassed. He figured Nagito has certainly experienced worse company if he truly was a heavy drinker who attends countless parties. Hajime really hated the first impression he left on Nagito though. He tried hiding the fact that he barely even drinks to begin with, but after falling asleep on his shoulder, there was no way he could fool the taller boy anymore.

He got home eventually and sent a quick nod towards his dad sitting on the couch as a way of saying 'hi' before heading to his room.

Hajime didn't like admitting it, but he mainly didn't drink to avoid having more similarities to his father.

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