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They say time passes by in a flash when you're having fun. Nagito and Hajime can testify to that.

Two weeks passed by since their first encounter, and to everyone else in school, those two weeks felt like an eternity. However, Class 77-B did not fall into that same despair as the rest of Hope's Peak.

Yes, they were stuck in school daily for 7 and a half long hours of making up classes while the rest were leaving earlier due to their responsible school choices in the past three years. Yes, all of them grew tired of Teruteru Hanamura's bold remarks about his loins or Peko's apparent black thong (which earned him a punch from Fuyuhiko, of course). But they all grew to care for each other more than they did before, even the short perverted teenage boy.

While they were all becoming closer as the days passed however, Nagito and Hajime were a bit different. You would never see them apart, even while each of them were accompanied by their designated best friends.

Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi were very skeptical about that exactly it meant, especially after noticing that Nagito acted different with Hajime. Not in a kiss-ass way, or in a "I secretly despise you and judge you but I need to keep up a good image" type of thing. Nagito seemed like he practically worshipped the guy. It was too similar to the Nagito Komaeda from the past. So similar, it reminded Kazuichi of the Nagito Komaeda from eighth grade. As much as he knew how great of a guy the brunet was, he didn't know whether the friendship with Hajime was going to be any help with the fluffy haired boy's insecurities.

Fuyuhiko didn't get to see what Nagito was like in eighth grade but he still managed to see his best friend at a really low point. He did know that he and his pink haired friend helped him with the degrading talk. According to Kazuichi, he randomly started acting different, and although he was always insecure, it seemed to get to an extreme point unlike anyone he's seen before.

The two friends really hoped they wouldn't have to help fish him out of his depressed state again. Nagito deserves better than that.

In the meantime, Hajime left his usual desk for a moment to start interrogating the evidently beaming Sonia Nevermind. Her bright smile wouldn't leave her face no matter what, and while Sonia is a very cheerful person in general, it was starting to freak out him out a little. Just a little.

After all, he hasn't seen her make that face before. The last time he's seen her this excited was when he and Chiaki went over to Sonia's for a Friday the 13th marathon.

"Sonia, just tell me what's got you so happy. I won't judge." Hajime gave Sonia a pleading look as he stood over his two best friends sitting down in their home room seats. They were waiting for Ms. Chisa Yukizome to arrive in a few minutes.

"I shall not tell you. You will find out in quite a short time. Therefore, for now, I ask that you please leave me alone." Sonia's words would've earned her a sarcastic remark from Hajime if it wasn't her. Sonia never wanted to be a mean person. She would never hurt a fly. She does have some dark interests for being a very seemingly sweet person, though.

"But Sonia, you've been acting so weird." Hajime's words were futile, but he was so intrigued by his friend's sudden smile that couldn't seem to leave her face.

That's when Chiaki spoke up.

"Hajime, if she wants to tell you she will. It's best not to pressure her, I think."

He let out a sigh and decided to listen to Chiaki. He didn't even know why he was bothering her, he's just been feeling a little more energetic than usual. He's been going out more often and being occupied with good moments rather than bad ones.

That's when the door opened and Chisa Yukizome walked in with a confident stride to the front of the classroom.

"Hi, my beautiful children! Sorry I came so late, I have surprise news for you guys!"

To Be Loved ♡ KomahinaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon