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I've always heard about love at first sight in movies and shows. People talk about how they knew from the very beginning that the person in front of them was amazing. How the person in front of them was made to be with them. I grew tired of hearing about unconditional love.

I doubt there's any way you could love someone right away. You could look around and find someone you're attracted to, but how can you really love them right off the bat? What if they're a terrible person?

What if that guy that Sonia met ends up being a horrifying individual? She wouldn't know right away. Neither would I. And yet, it seemed as though my best friend's eyes lit up like evident constellations scattered across the night sky the second they landed on the mysterious, dark figure.

I wonder what that's like.

"It's here right, Hajime?"

Hajime's thoughts were interrupted as he heard the white haired boy speak. He insisted on dropping Hajime off even when he said it was okay. If it was anyone else, the brunet probably would've been very skeptical of allowing someone to be this nice to him without asking for something in return.

This was Nagito, though. His intentions seem pretty selfless, regardless of everything that was said about him. For some reason, he trusted him right off the bat. He don't understand why some guys at school found reasons to talk badly about him. Surely they must be jealous. In Hajime's opinion, Nagito hasn't given him one reason to talk or even think badly about him.

He really was an amazing person.

His thoughts began wandering to what he was thinking before though, as they always do. He could be a terrible person and not know it yet.

Of course not. From the very beginning, Hajime knew the person in front of him was special.

"Yes, actually. Thank you for walking me home, Nagito. I appreciate it."

"No need to thank me, Hajime. Always here to serve you." Nagito then jokingly bowed down. It did seem he would put himself down while putting Hajime on a pedestal. He was still unsure if Nagito means it seriously or jokingly.

"Text me when, uh, you're home. To make sure you're safe and stuff." His eyes looked down due to the fear of probably sounding stupid. I hope that didn't sound weird of me.

"How considerate must Hajime be to think about the safety of someone like me? But I'm in no place to neglect, so I shall text you the second I get home." Nagito flashed a bright smile.

Was the beginning a joke again?

"Oh um, okay. Well I had fun today, Nagito. We should do this again. I'll see you in school though. Text me." Strange enough, Hajime was unsure of what to do in that very moment. He got closer and awkwardly gave Nagito a side hug with a single arm before walking away quickly to the door of his apartment building.

Did I really just give him a fucking side hug?! Who am I?

"Me too, Hajime! See you soon!"

Hajime managed to turn to see Nagito smile before walking away in the direction where he presumed was towards his building.

He slid the key into the keyhole and walked his way inside and in a minute or two, made it into his apartment. After ignoring his dad's grumbling at the TV, walking straight to his room, and changing to comfortable clothes, he landed on his twin sized bed against the wall.

Why am I so awkward? I'm literally never this awkward. I mean, maybe I am but I just don't realize it. Actually, some people even think I'm a little rude sometimes. I guess I just haven't hung out with someone like Nagito.

To Be Loved ♡ KomahinaWhere stories live. Discover now