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A first kiss is usually far from how it appears in movies. For Nagito and Hajime, it was different. It was better.

It was the morning after, on a chilly Saturday. Neither of them dared to speak about the events that happened several hours prior. They had already eaten breakfast and went to the couch to look for something to watch. Hajime was pleasantly surprised to learn that his father did not leave it dirty like he thought he would.

"What do you usually watch, Hajime?"

Hajime shrugged in response. "Honestly I'm not even sure myself. Sometimes shows feel like too much work. Or am I weird for that?"

Nagito instantly shook his head. "Not at all. I understand what you mean. I feel the same way sometimes too." He inched closer to Hajime on the couch, now able to feel his warmth. "But maybe we can find something we both like?"

Hajime tried pushing away his incoming blush and nodded. He kept browsing through different titles until they found a crime show on a streaming site and decided to go with that.

As they continued watching the pilot episode, they snacked on some things they bought from the corner deli in the morning. The sounds of screams projected across the living room as the blaring television revealed a hysterical teenage girl running from a man with a knife. They were in the middle of the woods and it seemed that the girl would not be able to successfully flee from the man chasing her.

The two boys stared at the screen, and without thinking about it, Nagito put his head on Hajime's shoulder. They both tried avoiding the tension, wanting to ease into the fact that they've kissed the night before. This shouldn't be a big deal.

The brunet wanted to get used to it. While they didn't exactly know where they stand, Nagito admitted that his feelings were mutual. A little bit of affection wouldn't hurt.

I just hope he wasn't lying.

Hajime rested his head on top of Nagito's fluffy white hair. His soft, feathery, wavy hair. Hajime tried channeling whatever flirty side of him lived within him (he was certain it was nonexistent) and began reaching for the paler boy's hand. His fingers grazed Nagito's hand gently, and it was the kind of moment that Hajime's face would flush intensely. Well, it was, until he heard the entrance door to the apartment unlock and open.

"Yo, you're in here?" The man walked in, almost grunting out his words as he was occupied with closing the door. "I'm home."

He looked up as he entered the living room and he made eye contact with his son on the couch. Thankfully, Nagito moved away from Hajime once he heard the door open. Hajime didn't want to know what his father would say if he saw a boy that close to him.

"Ah. Who's your friend?" Hajime's father spoke in a calm voice, which only scared the younger boy even more.

"Oh um, this is my friend Nagito from class." Nagito took that as a cue to stand up and introduce himself to the man.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nagito Komaeda." He offered his hand to the even taller man.

"Haruto Hinata." He shook Nagito's hand with a deceiving grin before proceeding to interrogate them. "Did you stay the night? It's still early in the day."

Before Nagito could answer the question, Hajime jolted up and interrupted him. "No, he didn't. He was on his way to meet his girlfriend but she ended up canceling so we met up since he was nearby. But we were going to leave to the park soon."

Haruto looked at the two boys. When his eyes landed on what Nagito was wearing, his eyes seemed to darken. He was still wearing Hajime's clothes.

"Sorry to ruin your plans, young man but I'm going to need my son to stay for today. I need him for something."

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