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Two weeks passed by in a flash for Nagito. It was the second weekend of November and he was elated when Dr. Nakamura informed him on Friday afternoon that both he and Shinji will be leaving on Monday. Though Shinji had been there for longer, the staff saw his friendship with Nagito as a sign of improvement. Though his clinical depression was not something he had fully recovered from yet, he was now comfortable with the outside world.

Nagito was sitting in the dining area with Shinji sitting next to him in front of the small round tables. The television was showing a home improvement show since they weren't allowed to watch anything with a hint of violence or "inappropriate content." Nagito has developed somewhat of an interest in such shows while he was admitted. He wasn't bad at adapting.

Regardless, his chin was on the palm of his hand as he took in the sight of the plain colored room he will soon learn to forget again. He didn't notice Shinji admiring him with eyes of adoration.

"It's funny. Without you, I would have been completely helpless in here. I'd probably be in here for much longer, but you made these two weeks enjoyable. I do apologize that you had to tolerate a filthy worm like me, but I truly appreciate your immense kindness."

"Tolerate what?" Shinji frowns as he repeats Nagito's words.

"Oops, sorry. Old habits die hard. But thank you. Perhaps Hajime would appreciate me a little better now that my word choices changed up a bit. That is, if he's willing to see me again."

The hospital stay wasn't entirely useless. Shinji used Nagito's 'fake it till you make it' technique against him. Instead of pretending to be stable to leave the hospital early, Shinji told him to fake confidence rather than making self-deprecating comments. Though Nagito's insecurities were still there, and talking good about himself was something he never thought was possible even if it was all a fabrication, he found himself making less negative comments. There were exceptions, and Nagito's confidence was still nonexistent, but the improvement with his words was obvious.

"You shouldn't have to change for someone, do it for yourself," Shinji's frown deepened, but eventually it flipped to a grin. "But I should be the one thanking you. I didn't think I'd see the day I'd actually want to get out of the hospital. But now I'm looking forward to going outside. It's Sunday evening, so we literally leave in less than 24 hours! I even talked to a social worker who's helping me move back to my previous place with my old teacher. It's a little far from you, but I'll make sure to visit."

The interaction continued between the two, and they were unbelievably excited for the next day. When the sun comes back up, they'll both begin getting ready to return to the outside world and continue with their lives. Nagito agreed that he will keep in contact with Shinji, and also said that he'll give him a 'tour' of his neighborhood.

But even after all this time, his number one priority was still Hajime. Even during the brief visits or 10 minute phone calls in the nurse's office with Aiko, Hajime was always in his mind. Throughout those two weeks, Nagito thought about what to do. Whether he should let go of Hajime, since that was clearly what the brunet wanted, or pursue him and find a way to get his forgiveness for whatever he has done.

If Junko didn't exist, this probably wouldn't be a problem.

But who am I to think that Hajime would always be happy with a slimy, good-for-nothing bug like me?

But he decided, once he was done hanging out with Shinji on Monday, he will begin looking for him.

No matter what, Hajime will always be what matters the most.


Those two weeks, however, did not pass by too quickly for Hajime. It was now Monday and he was in school with a miserable expression on his face. Everyone in his class noticed how upset he has been, but they didn't dare to bother him since Hajime was quick to snap.

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