stubborn humans

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As mind-numbing of a game as it is, Candy Crush seemed to be one of the only things that could keep my mind occupied this morning.

I had been trying over the last few days to keep my thoughts away from my mom and Cole as much as possible. I would play stupid games or watch a ton of movies. I've even started deep cleaning the house, going through boxes and tidying up almost every room. I could tell Spencer was worrying about all of this, but if it kept my dark thoughts at bay, he was a hundred percent supportive.

"You seem quite invested in that game," came a voice from behind me. I turned in my chair to meet the gaze of one Dr. Alex Blake.

"It's addicting, helps me keep my mind off of stressful things." She nodded, taking a seat on my desk. "How are you doing?"

I set the phone down and gave her my full attention. "I'm not the best, but I'm trying."

"Hey, they're starting at the roundtable, you ready?" Spencer came up and asked us. I stood up and took his hand, giving him a quick kiss before we headed to the conference room. We talked about the newest case down south with some brutal murders. 

Once we landed, Spencer and I went to the coroner's to see what they found. One of the strangest findings was that the unsub brought larvae to the scene and put them on the victims. While Spencer was inspecting the sample, I suddenly felt sick looking at the small bugs.

I rushed to the nearest trash can and emptied my stomach's contents, Spencer at my side in an instant. He held my hair back as I continued to throw up. "I'm sorry," I squeaked out once I was finished.

"It's okay, love. This stuff is pretty gross. Let's get you some water and head back to the station."

When we did make it back to the station, Spencer unofficially put me on desk duty. He didn't want me getting sick again and wanted to keep me comfortable and safe. He was a gem and with the way I've been acting recently, I owe him big time.

Thankfully, I was fine for the rest of the case. We found our unsub and were finally on the jet home. I got the couch, pretty much laying on Spencer the whole ride home. "You feeling okay?" he asked softly.

"I'm alright. I don't know  what came over me, I'm usually fine with stuff like that."

"It's okay. Every once in a while these things get to us like that. If we weren't affected, we wouldn't be human."

I chuckled and buried my head into his chest a bit more. "Always so philosophical, Doctor Reid."

"I've got to always keep you thinking, Mrs. Reid."

I placed a kiss on a part of his neck that was peeking out over his shirt, which led him to plant one on my head. "I don't really want to tell you, but you should probably know." I sat up slightly and met his gaze, my brows furrowing at his words.

"I got an email the other day."

"Spencer Reid checking his emails? No way-"

"Ariel." His stern tone let me know that this was serious. I sat up a bit more and let him continue.

"It was from your mom. It's not like my email is hard to find, but I was just so surprised. She wanted me to convince you to make amends and try to rebuild the relationship between you. It was a stupid email and I deleted it right away, but I just figured you should know."

I placed my head into my hands, frustrated with the news Spencer had just told me.

"Spencer, what the hell am I gonna do? She won't leave us alone and I'm worried that her or Cole are going to try something and-"

Only a Human (spencer reid x oc) ✅Where stories live. Discover now