square one

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tw: mentions of abuse, forced drug use

Ariel's POV

A nasty headache was the first thing I remember feeling. I tried to open my eyes, but the room was too bright. Then I could feel the restraints on my arms. I was tied to a chair.

When my eyes finally did open, I looked around to get a sense of where I was. I think it's a warehouse. There's boxes of random junk around the room and big lights above me. The walls are colored a deep red. I can see a cart in front of me, with what looks like various tools and needles.

Footsteps echoed through the air and soon I was face to face with him. That son of a bitch.

"Look who decided to finally wake up," he said with a smirk. I just continued to scowl at him, not sure what to do or say yet.

"Ya know," he started as he pulled over a stool. "It's been a rough ten years without seeing you. I've missed our time together."

"I didn't," I said coldly. He just chuckled and moved his stool closer. "You have made that very obvious with all of the restraining orders. All of the court dates and the different agencies coming into our home trying to figure out if we're good people. But now, I have the upper hand."

"You do?" I cockily asked. That probably wasn't the best attitude to have in this situation, but I just can't stand this guy. "I guess in the years since you've preyed on me, you haven't learned about what I do for a living."

He chuckled and stood up, moving towards the cart. "I never would've thought you'd make it into the FBI. Behavioral Analysis Unit? That's catching serial killers. Looking at your size, I'm surprised you're not dead yet."

I've had plenty of people over the years tell me that I was too short for my profession, his comments don't bother me one bit. Yes, I am five foot four, but I can still kick your ass. But his knowledge of where I am and what I do had me worried about what else he may know.

"Why are we here?" I asked. He picked up a few items and shoved them into his pocket before coming back to sit in front of me. 

"I have unfinished business. You have made me look like an absolute fool, and nobody makes a fool of me and gets away with it. You think that you've moved on, that I'm just a thing of the past. But I'm here to remind you and everyone you love that I'm still here, I'm more important, and I'll always find a way to get what I want.""

He pulled a needle and a small bottle out of his pocket. I couldn't read the label, but I knew it couldn't be something good. "It helps to work at a pharmacy within a hospital. I can get all the drugs I need to make our time together fun."

He lifted up the bottle to show me, but I still couldn't read the label. "This is pentobarbital. If you didn't know, it's a barbiturate drug. This little bottle of medicine puts people into medically induced comas."

I froze up. That was a pretty dangerous drug. I started to sweat, but I didn't want to show him any fear as he knelt in front of me.

"If you're a good girl today and let me do what I want, you won't have to worry about this. But every time you screw up, I inject a little more and more each time. It'll make you drowsy, more easy to control as time goes on. So please, screw up."

He stood back up and put the bottle back on the cart. He then grabbed another bottle and what looked like a tourniquet. "Now this drug," he said with a smirk, "is quite interesting."

I started to worry a bit more, not knowing if he had something that could kill me. "Now if I did all of my research correctly, you're pretty close to someone who's familiar with this one."

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