Chapter 2

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Ushijima Wakatoshi's POV

Weeks has passed by and everything still stayed the same. Going to morning practice than school, seeing (y/n), than practice. When we don't have practice I see (y/n). But when I'm not seeing her I get a little flustered so I look through social media that I recently got and searched for her. I see her pictures and read her bio. In an app called Snapchat I get to see her post things, different things, sometimes twice a day or twice a week. Not often as I hoped but is something. I learn how to use each social media app form the team. They think is pretty cool and also "funny" that I'm doing this. I've made secrete accounts on some of the apps like Instagram so that she doesn't know it is me. I can't make a first impression like that. During our break I go through my phone and look at the pictures she post. I screen shot them and save them. Every time I miss her presence I just look at her pictures. Although for some I do have to crop so that I just see her and not her friends or family.

Each day I learn new things from her. Like her favorite food, her movie, her color, a little of her family. I've learned that she is not in any clubs yet. It was perfect. Perfect because we need a manager. We used to have one but quit do to our coach being super strict. So lately we have been needing one. Personally I didn't think it was necessary to have one before so when our old one quit I didn't really care but now I'm excited that she did. All I need to do is to convince (y/n) to join. The only problem is the team. Yes, I do want her to be in our club but like Yamagata, who always talk to girls and they talk back with redness on their faces. I'm nervous that one of them will start a liking. I can't have that. Is not fair. I worked hard to try and get (y/n)'s attention and learn things about her just for someone to take that away. The thought of someone else getting (y/n)'s attention bothers me .it..ANGERS me to see her with someone else.

But I am the captain and they do have to listen to me so I could tell them that she can be our manager but no one can date her or what Tendou calls, flirt with her since it is not our priority. I worked hard in volleyball and in my team to get their respect so they will have to listen and if they don't..well then I have to get rid of them. We have a lot of players who also have talent. Getting rid of them won't be a problem. Would it? it won't. I know for sure our coach would find players since he will hate if we loose. I am the star player so coach wouldn't veto my idea of kicking one of them off..yeah kicking them off, what did I say earlier? This plan would go perfect.

During lunch Tendou and the rest came and set as per usual. I waited a while before stating my idea to them.

"So Wakatoshi what have you been up to lately? You haven't really spoken to us," Tendou question.

I looked back at him finished the food that was in my mouth, swallowing it, "mm, sorry..I was thinking," once I said that the three guys perked up. I took my gaze back on my rice, clamping some with my chopsticks, " I think we need a usage of a manager."

I can tell the guys rose up higher peeking more interest, "Really...the last time we had one the coach drive her crazy which I wouldn't blame. Plus you said that having a manager wouldn't be needed since we are a powerful team as it is."

I looked back at Tendou. Why is he making it difficult? " I realized my mistake. I think having a manager could make our team even more stronger," it wasn't a lie..technically. I couldn't tell them the real reason why.

"Wow, I like this new Wakatoshi. So any thoughts on who," Tendou looked at Semi then Ōhira then me.

"How about Asano, she is in my math class, she isn't in a club. I heard she's looking for one," Semi said.

"That won't be necessary, I already have one in mind, her name is (y/n)(l/n). Semi I think you already know her. She isn't in a club as well."

"I do know her. I remember. Yeah I think she could be a perfect fit. She is focus on getting things done. Thanks to her we got 100 on our project. I like it. I'm in," Semi said with enthusiasm.

I looked at the rest and they nodded in agreement.

Perfect. Everything is going perfect. I'm doing this for you (y/n) I hope you can see it. Soon we would grow closer together.

During practice me Tendou, Semi, and Ōhiro talked to the rest of the team about it then convinced the coach and our candidate. At first he was hesitant but then he agreed knowing that we do lack a manger and some help.

I'll get to see you. I'll get you. I'll get to smell you...

I'll get to hold you in my presence (y/n) and soon you'll realize I'm the one for you and you are the one for me.

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