Chapter 12

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I see a girl about my height with blonde hair and blue eyes running down the hallway trying to find me.

"AARON?" She yelled over and over.

"I'm here!" I yell and she ran up as I did as well and she hugged me. I hugged her back,for a while. It wasn't because she was a fan... but because her best friend was dying and she felt it was her fault. We finally split apart and we say down in the waiting room.

"Wait... I need to see her. " Lily says in fear. "We can't.. They told me it was too late to just pump her stomach and that they need to do surgery so she doesn't go into cardiac arrest... They aren't sure if they can help her. They need to help the blood pump to her heart so her heartbeat doesn't stop." I explain, almost in tears.

Lily started to cry. "Lily... she's going to live... I'm sure of it." I try to assure her. "No she's not... don't tell me that because you don't know." she yells in anger. "Lily, why are you so obsessed with the idea?" I wonder. "Are you kidding me... She's my best friend." she lies. "No, I'm not stupid you know? There's something else... and I want to know." I state.

"Well it's none of your business." she says. "Ok." I sigh. "Alright fine.... we got in a fight... We met Jack and Jack at the beach one day in L.A.... I had been a huge fan for a while. I have Jack Gilinksy my address thinking he would want to maybe go out with me. Me and Vanessa went back to my house to hang out and watch movies and stuff and I heard a knock on the door. I was sure it was Jack for me.... but it was Jack for Vanessa... They went on a couple of dates and I was torn. I loved my best friend but how could she do that to me ya know?" she explains.

At that time, the nurse walked out. Lily and I stood up.

"Hello. I assume you two are here for Vanessa?" she asks.

"Yes." I say. "Well... Vanessa is out of surgery... but it isn't all good. We tried to stop the blockage so blood could get to her heart. but there was no way we could do that. We are currently trying to pump her stomach but she's non-responsive. She's in a coma but it's very rare that she will wake up soon or even at all. I'm sorry." the nurse explained.

"Oh my gosh." Lily says, and started to break down. I watched her as she fainted and I tired to wake her up. She woke up and asked me what happened. I explained to her and she chased after the nurse.

"Can we see her." Lily yelled trying to catch up to the nurse. "Sure. Room 342." she says. "Lily.... " I start. "What... what's wrong?" she asks, worried. "That was our room #... me and Vanessa shared a hotel room and...." I get cut off by Lily. "That was you room #. " she repeats. She runs up and hugs me again. We were both crying at this point as we walked to Vanessa's room.

Lily started for a while and then hugged me as right as she could. I did the same. We sat down next to Vanessa. We both talked to her for a while and then I stood up. "Can we go back to your hotel? You can change and I can as well and wash up." she asked. She had her things with her. "Of course."

We walked out and I heard a very fast beeping sound... Vanessa. I saw all of the nurses in sight run in as her heart rate started to decrease. They waited as she slowing dies in front of my eyes. When her line has gone flat the tried to revive her several times. On the third time, she responded and she was stable when we left.

As we got into the car it was about 11:50 pm. "Lily I think it's enough for today. We can come back as early as you want tomorrow but I think we just should be done for today. " I suggest. "I guess your right... but what if something happens to her? what if something changes? I want to be there." she finished as I saw a nurse run out to find us. "Hi.. we are finished pumping her stomach and she is stable but it might take her a while to wake up.. she most likely has a better chance if living right now!" she tells us. Lily gets out of shotgun where she was sitting and hugs me. "We can come back... let's hurry." I suggest. "Ok." Lily smiles and gets back into the car.

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