Chapter 17

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As I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I saw huge balloons sitting in my room. They said "24."

I sat up and looked around as the sun shone in my eyes. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I heard my whole family come into my room and yell. My family consists of my parents; obviously. My biological sister and brother, and my parents are currently fostering another boy and girl. My biological sisters name is Samantha, but we call her Sam. She's twins with my brother. They're 17. My brothers name is Jake. My foster brothers name is Alec, and my foster sisters name is Rebecca. They were coincidentally twins as well and they are 14.

"Thanks guys!! I love you all so much!!" I exclaimed, as I started to jump on my bed. All of siblings got on as well and we jumped for a while. "Okay.. alright that's enough! You're breakfast is going to get cold Vanessa!" my mom said, joyfully. "Alright, alright!" I said. I came down and saw Aaron, Lily, my siblings, and parents and heard the yell. "Surprise!!" . "Thanks guys!! I love you all so much!!" I yelled, startled.

"So for a couple hours you will come with me us because we have a surprise for you, then you will go with Aaron, who by the way I am very happy to finally meet while we aren't standing by your hospital bed! And then for the remainder is the day you will be with Lily. We are going out tonight so you can do whatever you want here. " my mom explained.

Aaron was also wearing a birthday hat... considering it was his birthday as well. Aaron and Lily went to go do something they wouldn't tell me about and I went off with my parents.

We drove and drove and every time I thought I knew where we were going, we made a different turn. We finally pulled up to a place called "Island Records." I honestly had no idea what it was. My parents got out of the car and opened my car door as well. I got out and they both touched my shoulders.

"Sweetie, this is it. We know you've wanted this for a long time, and we have scheduled you an appointment with a record company so they can hear your sound and see if they like you. Now how about you go on in there and we will sit in the car, good luck!" my mom waved to me as I smiled walking into the building. It was like the fricken hall or fame or something. Pictures of artists that I usually listen to when I'm tanning on the beach are on these walls.. and it only makes me more nervous.

I got to the room and they basically just asked to sing. No questions about me or my life, they just wanted to hear me sing this specific song... so I did. I feel pretty confident with it, but I really hope they liked it as well. I walked out keeping in mind that they would let me know as soon as they have made their decision. I walked back out and got into the car. My parents as me a TON of questions about it.

It didn't look like we were going home yet though. "Guys, i thought that was the surprise. Where are we?" I asked as we pulled up to a gigantic house. "Home." my dad said casually. "What?! Why did we move?! I loved to come and visit the old house guys!!" I said. "We didn't move.. you did." my mom said. "Oh no... YOU DID NOT!! " I ran up and hugged my mom realizing that the house was mine. My parents were definitely not rich... but we weren't not wealthy.

"Now, understand that we have paid you initial pay for the house. You still need to pay your monthly bills and any additional bills including cable and BGE bills. We love you Vanessa and we would love for you to stay with us as long as we love but honestly sweetie.... you need to live a little" my mom explained to me. "Thank you guys for everything... really. I love you more then anything in the world." I said. We all group hugged and drove home. Aaron was waiting at my doorstep.

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